My understanding of categories consists of the following:
(domain == professional discipline or context across time
or across a number of contributors) (01)
1. Quantification of an environment can be accomplished
using categories. (02)
2. The domain is determined by a boundary and the ideal
quantification process divides the domain efficiently. (03)
3. The metric for the effectiveness quantification is the
coverage of the domain. However, this may also
include metrics that include more functionally useful
components such as means. (04)
My question is related to the effective coverage and is, in
part, derived from the criticism of the DIKW (or any other
pyramid) of the abstractions of knowledge. (05)
Q: "Should it be possible to replace the existing approach to
categories with an approach that extracts measured concepts
from meanings and then performs cluster analysis on those
concepts"? (06)
a.) One of the weakness of the category concept is that they
are designed for coverage fo a domain for which the boundary
may be poorly ascribed or poorly understood. e.g. we have
seen redefinition of "I.Q" to include spatial and musical
components. (07)
b.) Next, domain boundaries change across time and new categories
may need to be added; for those changes the new entities must
be vetted. This could be done using cluster analysis. (08)
c.) Finally, the redefinition of the process for determining
categories could be automated and because the process relies
on a set of meanings rather than a set of categories, it is
easier to perform vetting on the meanings. (09)
Or, did I misunderstand the concept and uses of categories? (010)
-John Bottoms
Concord, MA
T: 978-505-9878 (011)
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