Rich and Frank, (01)
RC> ... is this a misspelling and you meant IS NOT? (02)
I'm sorry. I meant to type "no" and I accidentally hit an
extra "w". Following is what I had intended to write: (03)
JFS>> In any case, a child can learn language far better and
>> faster than any computer system today, and there is no
>> evidence that the child has much, if any built-in ontology. (04)
FK> I am not sure if that knowledge in a kid is an ontology of
> any kind created today on the current knowledge of humankind. (05)
I agree. It would be misleading to call it 'ontology'. (06)
FK> We always forget that knowledge is also procedural, and it
> is in that form what we are all after... (07)
I agree. But children do use metalevel language about language
quite early. For example, see the following quotation from a
3-year-old child named Laura: (08)
"When I was a little girl, I could go 'geek geek' like that.
But now I can go, 'This is a chair.' " (09)
Somehow, Laura has learned a lot in those three years, but I
would hesitate to overanalyze or overclassify it. (010)
What I would say, however, is that I wish I could design a
computer system that could do that. (011)
John (012)
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