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Re: [ontolog-forum] web-syllogism-and-worldview

To: "[ontolog-forum] " <ontolog-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
From: "Richard H. McCullough" <rhm@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 16 Apr 2009 16:57:25 -0700
Message-id: <7A11ACD82399485D80485FF4D4D61575@rhm8200>
Here's your two cents worth.
Try the mKR language (http://mkrmke.org); you'll like it.    (01)

There is a recursion problem with a lot of the ontologies,
especially OpenCyc.    (02)

There is a simple solution: when you walk the hierarchy,
keep a visit count -- never traverse the same node twice.    (03)

Dick McCullough
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Bart Gajderowicz" <bgajdero@xxxxxxxxxx>
To: "[ontolog-forum]" <ontolog-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Thursday, April 16, 2009 4:32 PM
Subject: Re: [ontolog-forum] web-syllogism-and-worldview    (04)

> Here's the way I see the argument whether syllogisms, recursive or
> not, are valid, and why we can continue using programming languages
> based on the principles of turing machines.
> As with any proper recursive function, we need a stop condition. We of
> course can't use a turing machine to figure this out, as it will not
> stop if the program does not terminate.  That's a theoretical issue.
> Ontologies, however are practical things for us to use.  Nothing says
> that we can't have an ontology which models some phenomenon defined by
> our worldview, in a particular context. By context I mean situational
> circumstances, which change the way an object can be viewed.  I'm not
> an expert on situation calculus, but I believe one could apply its
> axioms to formally define this idea of a context.
> If an ontology was the context, it would be represented by a set of
> functions.  The domain then would be the traditional domain of a
> function, and encompass the entire object, all its attributes and
> properties, and the functions would represent any situation (context)
> that that object may find itself in.  A general ontology would then be
> a theory modeling all the stricter ontologies which are functions that
> relate a domain to all the possible ranges (contexts).
> If our syllogisms are recursive, and our domain has cyclic
> definitions, a context could determine what a stop condition would be.
> Specifically, depending on where you are in the hierarchy of
> functions that define an object in a particular context, the set of
> attributes and properties will change.  For example, let's say that a
> property is atomic. Attributes can be atomic but they can also be
> structures themselves.  Furthermore, depending on the context, an
> attribute can become a property, which cannot be broken down any
> further.  This would be our stop condition. The moment you have a
> cyclic definition where all properties are the same, you stop.
> Attributes wouldn't qualify as a stop condition because they can be
> structures which differ, and the only way to find that out is to
> traverse the attribute's structure further down.  This is how
> fixpoints work in Description Logic.
> My question would be, can contexts be determined automatically through
> deductive means, or do we have to resort to inductive means, and delve
> into data mining?
> Situation Calculus and Description Logic both have their roots in
> First Order Logic, so perhaps we could get away with deductive means
> here.
> Temporal identifiers could be a representation of a context.  The same
> object my have different roles throughout its life span, and interact
> differently with other objects. Processes have this property.
> Transitions from one state to another can tell us how to move between
> these contexts.
> .... 2 cents
> -- 
> Bart Gajderowicz
> MSc Candidate, '10
> Dept. of Computer Science
> Ryerson University
> http://www.scs.ryerson.ca/~bgajdero
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