I’m collecting names for the third panel, which is the
last technical session before the physical meeting in Gaithersburg. At this
panel, we hope to identify a list of candidate standards that would be good
subjects for formalizing using semantic technology. This list can then be put
forward by all of us, before funding agencies and other bodies, as good targets
for future work.
If you, or someone you believe in, would be a good addition
to the panel of speakers, please get in touch with me soon, as I am finalizing
the set of panelists (see http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?ConferenceCall_2009_03_26)
Steven R. Ray, Ph.D.
Chair, 2009 Ontology Summit
Phone: (650) 587-3780 (CA)
(202) 362-5059 (DC)