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Re: [ontolog-forum] Possibility of an OASIS TC for Electronic Document I

To: "[ontolog-forum]" <ontolog-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
From: paola.dimaio@xxxxxxxxx
Date: Sat, 15 Dec 2007 20:33:09 +0700
Message-id: <c09b00eb0712150533i4e64a256t3c286443a79ca437@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

Thanks for sharing your exciting work,

Our group is very interested in a definition of semantic enrichment of UBL documents and we are working on a UBL ontology that we automatically
generate from documents.

which software/process are you using to achieve that?

and I  wonder how can a  document, or set of documents be so good/structured/precise to
generate automatically an ontology

do these documents/repositories have an intrinsic structure?

look forward to be learning more

Paola Di Maio

Our work aims to create a semantic upper level that describes the UBL 2 standard documents and component library, improving
its understanding and simplifying its adoption in many e-business contexts. We are also working on a semantic driven way to customize standard
documents simply handling semantic business concepts and exploiting semantic annotation of schemas. I think this is very close to the Asuman work.
Therefore I think that TC on Electronic Document Interoperability could be a good starting point to collaborate and exchange opinion about this topic.


Matteo Busanelli

Via Martiri Monte Sole, 4
40129 Bologna, Italy

phone   +39 051 6098 335
fax     +39 051 6098 084
e-mail  matteo.busanelli@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
web     http://spring.bologna.enea.it/xlab

Duane Nickull ha scritto:
> Nice!  Jamie needs to do this more often.
> ;-)
> On 12/11/07 3:30 AM, "Peter Yim" <peter.yim@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> * We have also invited Jamie Clark (Director of Standards Development,
>> OASIS) to give a talk at the Ontolog Forum. Jamie has been very
>> encouraging, all along, to opportunities where some of the work being
>> discussed on this forum can be taken toward a standardization effort.
>> I'll let everyone know as soon as we have a date.

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Paola Di Maio
School of IT

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