I agree with what you say below (01)
But I was trying to distinguish objective
(what happens to a bridge over time that causes it to fall), or snow that melts,
or the uncertainty deriving from the risk of metheor striking us when we walkt
- the subject has no control over external dimensions of reality- (02)
versus subjective
- the view that each observer adopts of things ( for whatever reason)
- a user could decide to study in detail an ontology to diminish the
uncertainty of their
queries, for example
- the subject controls the perspective (03)
how can I express such distinction otherwise? (04)
pdm (05)
On 8/30/07, John F. Sowa <sowa@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Paola,
> Perspectives can certainly be objective.
> > Dimensions seem to be objective, perspectives subjective...
> Suppose, for example, you walk through a large city and take
> photographs as you go. Every photograph is an objective
> record of one perspective on one location from one angle
> at one particular instant of time.
> For almost all subjects, all we have are collections of
> perspectives, since it is impossible for anyone to comprehend
> everything knowable about any subject. And the subject
> doesn't need to be as large as a city -- just imagine a
> single tree. If you get up close to the tree and examine
> each leaf, each vein on each leaf, each wrinkle in the bark,
> each branch of every twig, every root, every insect or
> lichen or moss or scratch, etc., all you have are lots
> of perspectives. And every one of them can be objective,
> but incomplete.
> Nobody can know everything that could be observed about
> a single tree, or even a single petal of a single flower.
> But every perspective at every level of detail could be
> completely objective.
> John
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Paola Di Maio
School of IT
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