Can you explain the reference to SOA? SOA is not limited to models involving
XML or even a request-response interaction pattern. (01)
Duane (02)
On 8/3/07 11:27 AM, "Andreas Tolk" <atolk@xxxxxxx> wrote: (03)
>> The idea of a single syntax with two different incompatible semantics
>> scares me.
> The technical terms for this form of phobia are "modeling & simulation
> federation" and "service-oriented architecture:" We agree on a common
> information exchange model, such as XML or OMT, but everything we really
> capture is the structure. Two models, services, etc. can implement the
> meaning behind these pieces of information completely differently ...
> that's why we are pressing the issue of formal models for
> conceptualizations.
> Enjoy the weekend
> Andreas
> ============================== ;-)
> (04)
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