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Re: [ontolog-forum] Current Semantic Web Layer Cake

To: "[ontolog-forum]" <ontolog-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
From: "Danny Ayers" <danny.ayers@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 5 Aug 2007 10:22:30 +0200
Message-id: <1f2ed5cd0708050122l3413f731j551874dc1cdbb3f1@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
On 05/08/07, Frank Guerino <Frank.Guerino@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:    (01)

>  Semantic Web (or Web 3.0)
Fundamentally, it implies that the
> web, itself, will act as an endless database that is linked by many systems
> that know how to leverage this structure and interact with each other.
>  How this all applies to the so called "Layer Cake"...
[snip]    (02)

> The world must find a way to leverage all of the above, simultaneous (highly
> improbable) or    (03)

>From the opinions I've heard of people working with Semantic Web
technologies, the "Vision" is most likely to be achieved without
simultanaeity. An analogy Tim B-L has used is that of islands of data
appearing on the Web, archipelagos becoming connected into larger land
masses until somewhere down the line there is a supercontinent.    (04)

If you take a look at the diagram from the OpenLinkingData project,
there's an example of this occurring.
http://esw.w3.org/topic/SweoIG/TaskForces/CommunityProjects/LinkingOpenData    (05)

> The world must consolidate to a single set of standards, protocols, etc.
> that are adopted by all (also highly improbable, but slightly more probable
> than #1).    (06)

We have something approaching standardisation on protocol (HTTP) and
document representation (HTML). There are still a large variety of
data representations, but many are becoming available as XML syntax.
The step to using a common baseline data model such as RDF may seem
improbable, but I personally believe that the gains it offers are
becoming visible enough to encourage widespread adoption.    (07)

I think an important point to bear in mind is that there_will_be_a_future!
There is everything to suggest that the future Web will involve more
connectivity between services and increased access to data that is
currently hidden in silos. There will be a "Web 3.0", how much energy
has to be spent getting there is another matter...    (08)

The advantage of using RDF and associated techniques over arbitrary
data representations is that when a new service or repository is added
it's automatically part of the whole, without having to connecting to
a matrix of X^2 different representations.    (09)

This doesn't mean every data/document producer has to publish RDF
directly, or that when they do it has to be hard work. Tools for
semi-automatically mapping from RDBMSs are available, and the GRDDL
technique [1] allows existing XML material to be viewed as RDF without
*any* additional work from individual publishers, just a one-off tweak
to the namespace document.    (010)

Danny.    (011)

[1] http://www.w3.org/TR/grddl-primer/    (012)

--     (013)

http://dannyayers.com    (014)

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