1) A footnote to John Sowa's 'Fads and Fallacies about Logic', the Greek
term Logos, from which the work logic derives, referred to something
written and was contrasted to Mythos, something spoken, from which. I
can't track down the reference, but around the 5th century the
traditional Mythos lost status as compared to Logos, and hence the
negative connotations to the truth value of myths. (01)
2) Re previous discussion on creating a "the upper ontology", see the
interview "Shades of Meaning" in this week's New Scientist (30 June
2007). Among several points relevant to the discussion of ontologies,
"In Benin in West Africa, for example, men and women have different
colour vocabularies". It seems unlikely that we could agree a single
universal "colour ontology", except possibly as an academic exercise of
little relevance to real engineers... (02)
Sean Barker
Bristol, UK (03)
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of public discussion, any automatically generated statements to the
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> -----Original Message-----
> From: ontolog-forum-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> [mailto:ontolog-forum-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of
> John F. Sowa
> Sent: 29 June 2007 15:58
> To: [ontolog-forum]
> Subject: Re: [ontolog-forum] quick question re OKBc
> *** WARNING ***
> This mail has originated outside your organization, either
> from an external partner or the Global Internet.
> Keep this in mind if you answer this message.
> Debbie,
> > ... can you please point to a few valuables in the road
> kill that > should be spotlighted or saved ...
> The term was jocular, but the point behind it is that the
> enormous attention and funding that has been poured into the
> Semantic Web has changed the direction of a great deal of R &
> D. The issues are much more complex than just a list of "road kill".
> I presented a talk in August 2006, which addressed many of
> the historical trends and the areas that need more attention.
> Following are the slides:
> http://www.jfsowa.com/talks/extend.pdf
> Extending Semantic Interoperability
> To Legacy Systems and an Unpredictable Future
> Following is an article that addresses some related topics:
> http://www.jfsowa.com/pubs/fflogic.pdf
> Fads and Fallacies about Logic
> This talk and this article do not discuss the semantic web in
> any detail, but they address some historical trends, some
> future possibilities, and some questions about how to get
> from where we are to where we would like to be.
> One of my recommendations is summarized in the following
> diagram, which illustrates various languages and diagrams for
> the human interfaces, various languages for the machine
> interfaces, and Common Logic as the common intermediate language.
> http://www.jfsowa.com/figs/comlog.gif
> In the middle, Common Logic could be replaced by IKL, which
> is an extension to the draft CL standard that could become
> the basis for a future update to the standard.
> John
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