I know this is notional and that you're sketching an architecture.
Nevertheless, do you think Ontolog should organize itself to be the
custodian of all this? If not, who would watch over it?
Doug (01)
On May 3, 2007, at 4:08 PM, John F. Sowa wrote: (02)
> I would like to make a suggestion about the question of
> common vs. federated approaches to sharing ontologies.
> Unless we have a detailed specification of what features
> would be in either a common approach or a federated approach,
> we have no clear basis for comparison. Therefore, I'll begin
> with some suggestions for what I'd like to see:
> 1. A repository, based on the ISO Metadata Registry standards,
> for organizing and making available ontologies, large and
> small, their pieces, components, or modules, and all the
> info about who, what, when, where, how, and why.
> 2. Translators for logic-based languages, at least Common Logic
> and the W3C standards, but also any others that anyone might
> wish to contribute.
> 3. Tools for aligning ontologies and modules of ontologies.
> 4. Collections of all the ontologies and modules anyone might want
> to contribute, either for free or for whatever fee the developer
> wishes to charge. SUMO, OpenCyc, DOLCE, BFO, and any others
> would all be included.
> 5. Etc. (open invitation for anyone to add their "druthers").
> This approach is necessary for a federated approach and it would be
> extremely useful for the current state where multiple groups are
> proposing competing (or cooperating) ontologies.
> Instead of debating which approach is better, I suggest that we
> start designing something along the lines above and let users
> "vote with their feet" for whichever collection(s) of resources
> they find most useful.
> John Sowa
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