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Re: [ontolog-forum] the case for an open research group

To: dodds@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, "[ontolog-forum]" <ontolog-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
From: AJ Chen <ajchen@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 13 Jan 2007 02:24:37 -0800
Message-id: <45A8B365.4000205@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Open data movement is going toward the direction you are probably thinking about. Open data is less known than open access, but I think, if the vision of open data can be realized, it will bring huge benefits including real time data publishing/sharing and data reuse, which will accelerate science and technology development for sure.

Moreover, I happen to believe semantic web technology and ontology are just the right tools for making open data truly powerful because open data wrapped in semantic objects can be discovered, shared and reused immediately as they become available on the web.  The task force on scientific publishing that I'm coordinating under w3c HCLS group is developing SPE (Self-Publishing of Experiment) ontology for this purpose. In supporting this task, i.e. promoting open data on semantic web, I've created a easy-to-use semantic web publishing tool for researchers to open their data. I'm also building a search engine for researchers to search the open data.

Obviously, opening raw data on the web by researchers themselves requires a shift in the mind set, and it's definitely the biggest challenge. Good ideas that can encourage this shift are still to come.

AJ Chen, Ph.D.
Palo Alto, CA. USA
W3C Scientific Publishing task force
"Open data on semantic web"

Ed Dodds wrote:
Ontolog Journal maybe? Saw this http://pkp.sfu.ca/?q=ojs

since June??
that's an eternity in internet time. I feel compelled to make an open
criticism of how the journal reviews business sadly can sometimes slow
down and hinders scientific progress, rather than promoting it (making
the case for an open research group I guess)


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