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Re: [iaoa-education] IAOA Lexicon Project

To: iaoa-education@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
From: Luc Schneider <luc.schneider@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 10 Sep 2012 16:19:32 +0200
Message-id: <20120910161932.13537dhunrgvy0ok@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Dear John, dear all,    (01)

first of all my apologies for my late reply. I'm happy to be of any help.    (02)

I also agree with John's suggestion: "terminology" is just fine.    (03)

To be more practical and to get things started, we can use past  
attempts at clarifying concepts in applied ontology. Off the top of my  
head, there are at least four interesting terminological sources which  
one could exploit:    (04)

(1) John Sowa's terminology in the appendix of his book on Konwledge  
Representation;    (05)

(2) the report on the Wonderweb library of ontologies by the group of  
Nicola Guarino,    (06)

(3) an essay on terminology which Barry Smith sent at an earlier stage  
of the discussion.    (07)

(4) a "Handbook on Ontology" by Burkhardt and Smith, which is slightly  
more philosophical but still of good use.    (08)

There are surely other interesting sources.    (09)

(1), (2) and (3) already could provide a first orientation as to the  
items to be included in our terminology.    (010)

Very best,    (011)

Luc    (012)

Dr. Luc Schneider, M.Sc.
Institute for Formal Ontology and Medical Information Science
Universit�t des Saarlandes
Postfach 151150
D-66041 Saarbr�cken, Germany
Phone:  +49-(0)681-302 64 773
Fax:    +49-(0)681-302 64 772    (013)

Quoting John Bateman <bateman@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>:    (014)

> Am 08.09.2012 18:19, schrieb Dr. Adam M. Goldstein PhD MSLIS:
>> But might there be some focus on communication? How about  
>> "Subcommittee for discourse standards"?
> ouch! I think that that
> unfortunately raises so many different connotations
> and mis-directions that it is even worse than 'lexicon'.
> (And there are already discourse standards, in ISO even... but
> not the sort that are meant here). I think 'terminology'
> is still about the most neutral suggestion so far and the very reason
> for having terminology agreements is to foster
> communication, so that might probably
> be considered already entailed.
> How about:
>    Subcommitee for Ontology Terminology
> Might be a bit clearer and more accurately reflect the scope?
> John B.
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To join: please email committee chair or to: info @ iaoa.org 
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