Pat, (01)
I'm with you. (02)
I'm sure Rex, Bob and the rest of the team putting together the
8/25 session and the First Government Health IT Conference
submission on behalf of Ontolog (of which, I am actually not a
part) are making a note of this exchange, and handling the
situation as they deem appropriate. (03)
Thanks for pointing this out. (04)
Regards. =ppy
-- (05)
Cassidy,Patrick J. wrote Mon, 8 Aug 2005 13:38:26 -0400:
> Peter,
> Thanks for the info. I missed the session on OpenVistA, and haven't
> had time to catch up.
> Even for systems that have the virtues of OpenVistA, I think that any
> documents from the community as a whole need to avoid seeming to endorse
> any particular product, unless it was tested by a group project.
> Individuals can feel free to recommend products they like, and community
> documents can cite phrases like "product X or the equivalent". The
> first paragraph of the specific proposal is a single run-on sentence
> mentioning only one product, which is prefaced by "in particular", which
> gave (me) the impression of a strong endorsement, not much mitigated by
> the "such tools as" qualifier. Suggestion: break it into two sentences
> and take out the "in particular", and it would to my taste sound more
> objective. Proselytizing is fine for individuals, but needs to be done
> cautiously by groups, after discussion of whether an endorsement is
> warranted. I think this is true regardless of the actual virtues of the
> product.
> Pat
> Patrick Cassidy
> MITRE Corporation
> 260 Industrial Way
> Eatontown, NJ 07724
> Mail Stop: MNJE
> Phone: 732-578-6340
> Cell: 908-565-4053
> Fax: 732-578-6012
> Email: pcassidy@xxxxxxxxx (06)
> -----Original Message-----
> From: health-ont-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> [mailto:health-ont-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Peter P. Yim
> Sent: Monday, August 08, 2005 12:31 PM
> To: [health-ont]
> Subject: Re: [health-ont] Abstract due Monday: FCW 1st Government Health
> IT Conference-Nov. 17-18
> Pat,
> While I agree that we should always use something like " ....
> such as OpenVistA" (rather than locking us totally into any one
> particular product, I have to point out that the Ontolog have had
> multiple interactions with the WorldVistA people.
> I list some of those that come to mind quickly:
> o Chris Richardson and David Whitten (both founders of
> WorldVistA) are Ontolog members.
> o they are a part of the team and contributed to our NHIN-RFI
> response
> O we had a full session at Ontolog featuring these two gentlemen
> and the OpenVistA product and approach less than 2 months ago -
> ref:
> o they have both been active, and David has been in quite a few
> of our weekly calls and speaker/discussion sessions
> They are "open" and is probably the most established open tool in
> the particular space we are talking about. To say the least, they
> are a prime candidate for potential future Ontolog projects where
> such a tool is needed.
> Cheers. =ppy
> -- (07)
> Cassidy,Patrick J. wrote Mon, 8 Aug 2005 11:15:26 -0400:
>>Why is OpenVista selected as a preferred tool? I don't recall that
> the
>>Ontolog forum engaged in any significant discussion of that tool -- I
>>have no familiarity with it. Should we be promoting one tool over
>>others as an Ontolog position at this point, especially without
> careful
>>evaluation by the group?
>> Pat
>>Patrick Cassidy
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