Remember, folks, (01)
Tues: we have 8:30-10:30 slot only, 10:30-noon is NIST plenary speaker,
noon-1 lunch, 1-5 rest of pm.
Wed: we don't have those constraints. (02)
Dr. Leo Obrst The MITRE Corporation, Information Semantics
lobrst@xxxxxxxxx Center for Innovative Computing & Informatics
Voice: 703-983-6770 7515 Colshire Drive, M/S H305
Fax: 703-983-1379 McLean, VA 22102-7508, USA (03)
-----Original Message-----
From: uos-convene-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
[mailto:uos-convene-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Adam Pease
Sent: Friday, March 10, 2006 11:47 AM
To: Upper Ontology Summit convention
Cc: Mike Davis
Subject: Re: [uos-convene] UOS Agenda and Logistical Details (04)
Here's a revision to explicitly schedule discussion of relating
the ontologies together. I would stand by the division between the
three formal upper ontologies and other ontologies (formal or
informal, upper or domain specific, implemented in a particular
computational language or not), but agree that others should be able
to present, as suggested for Wednesday morning. I've extended the
proposed time so no one should feel slighted. (05)
Preparation meeting
Tuesday - 8:30am
Purposes: (1) Introduce the three formal upper ontologies
(2) Propose a joint public statement
(3) Organize a proposal for joint funded work (06)
8:30am Nicola Guarino - DOLCE (with Barry and Aldo if desired)
9:30am Doug Lenat - Cyc
10:30am Adam Pease - SUMO
11:30am discussion
12 lunch
1 work on a specific public statement - facilitated by
Steve Ray
3 discussion of merits and methods for relating the upper
5 work on a specific white paper executive summary for
6 adjourn
7pm dinner (07)
Preparation meeting
Wednesday - 8:00am
Purposes: (1) Introduce other schemas, models and taxonomies as
well as
formal non-upper ontologies
(2) Discuss how these models could use a formal upper
ontology (08)
8:00 Michael Gruninger - PSL
9:00 Matthew West - ISO 11179
10:00 John Bateman - Breman ontologies
11:00 Dave McComb - GIST
12:00 lunch (09)
Public meeting
Wednesday - 1pm
Puposes: (1) Introduce the public and press to formal upper
(2) Present the joint work of the previous sessions to
public (010)
1pm Adam Pease - SUMO
1:30pm Nicola Guarino - DOLCE (with Barry and Aldo if desired)
2pm Doug Lenat - Cyc
2:30pm Presentation of the joint statement - Steve Ray
3:00pm Panel discussion - Lenat, Pease, Guarino
4:30pm open discussion
5pm adjourn (011)
Adam Pease - Free ontologies and tools (012)
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