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[ontology-summit] Prescriptive predicates

To: ontology-summit@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
From: John McClure <jmcclure@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 24 Jan 2014 01:47:13 -0800
Message-id: <52E236A1.4080005@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
prescriptive (adj). of or relating to the imposition or enforcement of a rule or method.
When I first began developing ontologies it seemed reasonable to define properties for each of the classes I'd defined in the class hierarchy. It seemed kinda cute that reasoning software could infer the type of an object in a statement by reference to the statement predicate's rdfs:range.  No runtime examination of rdf:type of the object and its superclasses. Faster and cheaper it seemed and better too because this was 'inference' at work. To boot, there were property hierarchies right along with class hierarchies, so let's go! Just take the class name, prefix it with 'has', and presto, no more thought needed! Ergo, jmc:hasOntology was born!

You bet this was absurd. I began to doubt the utility of duplicated hierarchies. Documentation became repetitive. User interfaces began to look like endless three-column tables of labels, autocompletes, and help blurbs. And I began to loathe adjustments to the class hierarchy -- the ripple effects were starting to crash like waves. In other words, 'semantic' applications began to look a helluva lot like RDB applications. The only justification for this effort became the elimination of stodgy fixed-table relational databases.

My epiphany began with simple arithmetic. I wanted to store a current value ("hasAddress"), a previous value ("hadAddress") and a future value ("willHaveAddress"). Jeez I realized things could get out of hand here if everyone wanted to do this not-so-crazy thing. Looking at other RDF ontologies I began to see I was hardly alone in the design pattern I had instinctively adopted. And when I looked at FOL properties, I saw that some were just verbs, like one I had privately cherished but fearfully did not use: "is-a". Instead, I used "rdf:type", itself quizzical to me since it seemed more rational to define Types, not Classes, you know, to maintain that good-old consistency between a property name and its rdfs:range. But, but. Wait. Hmm...

This memo asserts that our industry can benefit enormously if Ontology Designers are constrained in the main to definitions of Class hierarchies (and Individuals). It claims a fixed set of relation properties must be normatively defined. Finally, it claims that whenever possible, resource names should follow a normative pattern. As a unit, this is a *semantic protocol* that eliminates the gobbledygook now overwhelming our most earnest efforts to create reusuable quality ontologies.

Accordingly, I propose the 2014 Communique call for establishing a semantic protocol as an etiquette (the customary code of polite behavior in society or among members of a particular profession or group).

Relation properties. First-order logic requires predicates to be verbs; this rule is applied only to object properties, not to text properties. All relation properties are formulated according to the following patterns.
  1. verb:preposition  -- this is used for (indirect) objects of prepositions
  2. verb:a -- this is used for existential statements
  3. verb:this -- this is used for individuated (direct) objects
  4. verb:some -- this is used for non-individuated (direct) objects
There are about 100 prepositions. Verbs may be of the usual tenses, existential, deontic and or negative. Verb auxiliaries are connected using dashes. No upper casing is allowed (camel-casing is specifically forbidden). 'Subproperty' relations do exist among these properties while adverbial subproperties are anticipated. It is suggested the initial set of verbs consist of two groups: "is" and "has" -- existentials and possessives, essential concepts in object oriented design/programming.

Resource names. To the extent appropriate to application contexts,  resource names whether actual or artificial, should be prefixed by an operative type for the resource, e.g., Person:Obama is a resource as is President:Obama a resource. Specifically, this 'type' is meant in an ISO manner, i.e., as a type of topic not necessarily as an existential type; this means that for instance President:Obama is:this Person:Obama, and or Person:Obama is:this President:Obama, both individual topics connoting different contexts and different models while often denoting a single more comprehensive 'resource'.

Axioms. I am no expert here, but I believe normative axioms are to be created relative to a selected published definition of a property, for the default use case. For example, the axioms for 'be:of' may be quite different than those for "is:of". Secondly, of central importance is that axiomatic specializations can occur for pairs of subject-type and object-type; these are not 'subproperties' in any sense -- at most these are unnamed contextual properties.

Example. The objects below of course can be URLs (I think in terms of wikipages).
    be:a     Type:Event
    is:a     Type:Teleconference
    is:on    Date:20140113
    is:from  Time:0930PST
    is:until Time:11:15PST
    may-be:until Time:1200PST
    is:by    Organization:Ontolog
    is:on    Device:Telephone
    is:at    HTTP://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/
    has:this Name:Conference Call 2014 01 23
    has:this Title:OntologySummit2014 session-02 Track-A: Common Reusable...
    has:this Theme:Big Data and Semantic Web Meet Applied Ontology
    has:this Focus:Track-A: Common Reusable Semantic Content
    has:this Topic: Use and Reuse of Semantic Content
    has:this Co-chair:Mr. MikeBennett
    has:this Co-chair:Ms. AndreaWesterinen
    has:this Presenter:Dr. GaryBergCross (SOCoP)
    has:this Briefing:Use and Reuse of Semantic Content
    is:as-of Timestamp:20140112T0922EST
    is:per   Person:Peter Yim

Thanks for reading this far.

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