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[ontology-summit] Distributed Governance model

To: Ontology Summit 2008 <ontology-summit@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
From: Farrukh Najmi <farrukh@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 21 Mar 2008 15:52:25 -0400
Message-id: <47E411F9.5050706@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Fabian Neuhaus wrote:
> Bill,
>> - I would not expect the "gatekeeper" to exclude any particular 
>> ontology from an "open" repository.  
> There seems to be a misunderstanding. Gatekeeping -- at least in the 
> context of this thread -- is exactly about the minimal criteria that any 
> ontology needs to meet in order to be accepted as part of the repository.
>       (01)

+1 on the importance of gatekeeping using a minimal set of criteria.    (02)

What follows are some thoughts that have been percolating in my head as 
I listen to all the good ideas in recent threads.    (03)

Since the scope of the OOR is quite broad and covers both upper and 
domain ontologies we should architect the OOR to support
a distributed and federated governance model. To me this implies the 
following:    (04)

    * There will not be a single governance body and set of governance
      policies acting as a gatekeeper on all nodes of a federated OOR
    * Each OOR sub-community would be responsible for administering its
      own OOR node and enforcing theor own governance policies
    * The governance policies of the root OOR may impact the policies of
      sub-OOR and serve as a reference model for them
          o In many cases sub-OOR may simply adopt some, most or all the
            governance policies of the root OOR. That would be their
    * We need to primarily focus on the governance aspects of the root
      OOR and start capturing it in a new wiki page(s). I expect such
      page(s) to define:
          o The organizational policies (ala by-laws) of the OOR
          o Key operational business processes and the workflow between them
          o The technical policies (e.g. role-based access control
            policies etc.)
    * Operational business policies would include a review board and
      approval process for approving new submissions to the OOR
    * Wikipedia has a similar problem of distributed authoring, review
      and approval. Perhaps we should investigate how wikipedia's review
      and approval process work and perhaps adopt them as a starting point    (05)

What do folks think?    (06)

Farrukh Najmi    (07)

Web: http://www.wellfleetsoftware.com    (08)

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