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Re: [ontology-summit] [Quality] Gatekeeping: Democratic Ranking vs. Peer

To: Ontology Summit 2008 <ontology-summit@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, Ontology Summit 2008 <ontology-summit@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Cc: "Mitsu Okada:"@mccarthy.cim3.com
From: Barry Smith <phismith@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 21 Mar 2008 09:25:20 -0400
Message-id: <20080321132531.RRYR1365.mta11.adelphia.net@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Mark Musen, below, makes a number of valuable 
points, which are made all the more interesting 
in virtue of the fact that the NCBO's BioPortal, 
an ontology repository for which Mark is 
http://www.bioontology.org/bioportal.html, is 
carrying out an experimental test of the benefits 
of democratic ranking-based approach to ontology assessment.    (01)

Specifically, the BioPortal will test a thesis to 
the effect that  democratic ranking based on user 
comments can 1. provide a valuable service which 
will scale as the population of ontologies grows 
and 2. allow true openness (no gatekeeping at 
all) of a repository (thus perhaps even allowing 
admission to the BioPortal of 
which is, as I understand it, a bio-ontology-like 
artifact pertaining to organisms with more than two legs).    (02)

However, his main argument against the 
alternative (expert peer review-based) approach 
currently being tested by the OBO Foundry, has 
been addressed already  in earlier postings to 
this list: the committee of peer reviewers used 
by the Foundry will in every case involve expert 
users from the specific user communities.    (03)

Mark thinks that ontologies are much more like 
refrigerators than they are like journal 
articles. I think that most of them are in fact 
still much more like collections of refrigerator 
magnets. The question is: how can we motivate 
ontology creators (and potential ontology evaluators) to do a better job?    (04)

This question is also not addressed by Holger 
Lewen, in another interesting and useful post 
that is also appended below. Indeed, Holger 
expresses a touching optimism to the effect that 
large bodies of intelligent user comments will 
form around the ontologies submitted to a 
potential OOR; that software will allow potential 
new users to navigate through these comments to 
help them find the answers to just the questions 
they need; and that intelligent evaluators will 
keep on submitting new comments as ever new 
collections of refrigerator magnet products 
(sorry: ontologies) come onto the market.    (05)

Why should they invest this time and effort? 
Skilled users of ontologies are, I can imagine, 
busy people. They also form a rather small 
community, with limited resources to spend e.g. 
on training teams of document inspectors as proposed (also below) by Matthew.    (06)

The OBO aims to test one potential answer to this 
motivation question, at least for ontologies 
developed to aid science. This answer has the 
advantage of resting on a methodology -- the 
methodology of peer review -- that has enjoyed 
some three hundred years of success that is 
roughly co-terminous with the advance of modern science. .    (07)

Crudely put: experts are motivated to review 
ontologies in their relevant domains of expertise 
because they get career-related credit for serving as reviewers.    (08)

Ontology developers are motived to create better 
ontologies because they get career-related credit 
for having their ontologies included (published) 
in what, if the peer-review process is successful 
will count as analogous to a peer-reviewed 
scientific journal. (We are working on the many 
tough problems which must be tackled to make this 
possible -- including all the problems mentioned 
by Mark and Holger, below.) The publishing 
process we have in mind will have the incidental 
advantage that it will allow the multiple 
developers typically involved in serious ontology 
endeavors to get appropriate credit, which they 
can use to justify spending the time and effort involved.    (09)

Both reviewers and developers will be further 
motivated to participate in this process because 
they can thereby directly influence the standard 
set of ontology resources which will be available 
to them, thereby also motivating the creation of: 
related ontology-based software, useful bodies of 
data annotated in terms of these resources, etc.    (010)

Note that I am not recommending this as an 
approach to be adopted by the OOR. It rests on 
too many features peculiar to the domain of 
science. However, if Patrick Hayes is right - 
that people like him can just as well publish 
their ontologies on the web - then this suggests 
the need for a real raison d'être for the OOR, 
and I am suggesting non-trivial and evolving 
gatekeeping constraints in the cause of 
incrementally raising the quality of ontologies as one such raison d'être.    (011)

BS    (012)

BS    (013)

At 01:08 AM 3/21/2008, Mark Musen wrote:
>On Mar 20, 2008, at 8:56 PM, John F. Sowa wrote:
> > There are two independent issues here:  reviewing and publishing.
> > Everybody would agree that reviewing is important, but ideally,
> > the readers/users should have the option of making their own
> > choices based on the reviews.  When publication was expensive,
> > the publishers became gatekeepers because it was economically
> > impractical to publish everything.
>The analogy between peer review of journal articles and peer review of
>ontologies has been applied too glibly, I believe.
>The best reviewers of a journal article are scientists who can
>evaluate the methods described in the paper, judge whether the data
>presented are plausibly consistent with the methods, and assess
>whether the authors' interpretations of the data are reasonable.  This
>process is all done rather well by scientists who are experts in the
>field and who can understand the work that is described in the paper.
>Although the system does break down, sometimes in notorious ways, it
>generally works rather well.
>Ontologies are not journal articles.  Although there are many surface-
>level distinctions that can be assessed purely by inspection (OBO-
>Foundry criteria regarding representation language, namespaces,
>textual definitions, and so on), the key question one wants answered
>before using an ontology concerns whether the ontology makes the right
>distinctions about the domain being modeled.  This question cannot be
>answered by inspection of the ontology; it can be answered only by
>application of the ontology to some set of real-world problems and
>discovering where things break down.  The people best suited for
>making the kinds of assessment that are needed are not necessarily the
>best experts in the field, but the mid-level practitioners who
>actually do the work.  Any effective system of peer review has got to
>capture the opinions of ontology users, and not just those of renowned
>subject-matter experts or of curators.
>I think ontologies are much more like refrigerators than they are like
>journal articles.  I view ontologies as artifacts.  Not surprisingly,
>I am much more interested in the opinions of people who actually use
>refrigerators than I am of experts in thermodynamics, product
>manufacturing, or mechanical engineering.  The latter are people who
>can inspect a particular refrigerator very carefully for surface-level
>flaws, but who may have no first-hand knowledge of what happens when
>you actually plug it in.
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From: Holger Lewen <hle@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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Dear Colleagues,    (015)

after having followed the quality discussion for quite some time now,
I am glad to see that the majority of people seem to agree that peer
review of ontologies can provide value and submission to an "open"
system should not be too limited.    (016)

Assuming one would decide to have an Open Rating System as the basis
for peer review, as was already proposed in the literature, most of
the points raised in the discussion could be accommodated.    (017)

Since everyone can write reviews about the ontologies, some of the
reviewers can (and should) be what Barry would consider gatekeepers in
the restricted scenario. Namely experts that offer their opinion on
certain aspects of an ontology in the system. The way the Open Rating
System works, users can then decide which reviewer to trust and get
their ontologies ranked accordingly.    (018)

Not only does this approach scale (everybody can review), it is also
very personalizable. It is up to the user to decide whether she values
the opinion of a "mere ontology user" more than the opinion of an
"ontology expert". As was already pointed out, the ontology user can
provide feedback about actually working with the ontology, while the
expert might just look at the ontology from a theoretical point of
view and determine the usefulness based on that without even
considering runtime implications.    (019)

One critique often raised when proposing this kind of solution is: Who
will provide the input, who will review the ontologies and who is even
able to review ontologies. While I certainly agree that reviewing
ontologies is harder than reviewing consumer products, there seem to
be a group of people that are knowledgeable enough for Barry to
consider them part of his gatekeeping committee. If the only
contribution of the rating system were to have their process of
assessing submitted ontologies public, i.e. each expert writing a
review based on his context as philosopher, computer scientist or
scientist, I claim there is a benefit.    (020)

As several of you have already mentioned, one problem with restricted
reviewing systems is that they are very vulnerable to personal
preferences, prejudices and reviewer's egos. Also controversial ideas
sometimes are not allowed because n people decide they are not worth
publishing. I would gladly appreciate a peer review system that at
least makes the reviews of papers with all submitted papers
accessible. Then I could make my own decision of whether a review
might have been biased or otherwise subjective, and whether I want to
read a controversial paper.    (021)

I do not want to bore you with all the details, so in short my claims
-Open Ratings provide more transparency
-Open Ratings allow user personalization of ranking order based on
trust in reviewers
-The reviews can and should come also from the people that are now
thought of as potential gatekeepers
-This allows for a much wider exploration of the usefulness of an
ontology in different scenarios, because people can provide reviews
based on each specific setting
-The gatekeeping approach cannot scale beyond a certain number of new
ontologies per reviewing cycle    (022)

Regards,    (023)

Holger Lewen
Associate Researcher
Institut AIFB, Universität Karlsruhe
phone:  +49-(0)721-608-6817
email: lewen@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
www: http://www.aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de/WBS    (024)

Am 21.03.2008 um 11:40 schrieb 
<matthew.west@xxxxxxxxx> <matthew.west@xxxxxxxxx
 > Dear Pat, John, and Barry,
 > I think the problem that many have with academic review is that it
 > is open to abuse and personal prejudice.
 > An approach that is aimed at being more structured is Document
 > Inspection.
 > This at least tries to be objective, and is designed to make being
 > subjective
 > harder.
 > The approach is to measure a document against its purpose and target
 > audience.
 > It uses a team of trained inspectors (training is simple and
 > straightforward)
 > - Divide document so that (for total inspection) each part of the
 > document is
 >   reviewed by 3 inspectors (diminishing returns after 3 in terms of
 > identifying
 >   new issues). Author is one of the inspectors.
 > - Identify issues:
 >   - Statements that are untrue, or unclear and/or ambiguous to
 > target audience
 >     - Super-major - show stopper
 >     - Major - subverts the purpose of the document
 >     - Minor - incorrect but no major impact
 >     - Editorial - grammar and spelling, badly laid out diagrams
 > Review the issues, determine whether document is fit for purpose (no
 > Super Major,
 > low count of majors).
 > This gives a rationale for rejection, and provides the basis for
 > improvement
 > so that inclusion becomes possible. The issue list is publicly
 > available so that
 > people can see where the deliverable is, and whether the issues
 > raised are a
 > concern for them.
 > This is of course the essence of reaching consensus in a
 > standardization process,
 > but if you are getting into any level of approval, you ARE doing
 > standardization,
 > however you choose to dress it up.
 > Regards
 > Matthew West
 > Reference Data Architecture and Standards Manager
 > Shell International Petroleum Company Limited
 > Registered in England and Wales
 > Registered number: 621148
 > Registered office: Shell Centre, London SE1 7NA, United Kingdom
 > Tel: +44 20 7934 4490 Mobile: +44 7796 336538
 > Email: matthew.west@xxxxxxxxx
 > http://www.shell.com
 > http://www.matthew-west.org.uk/
 >> -----Original Message-----
 >> From: ontology-summit-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
 >> [mailto:ontology-summit-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]On Behalf Of Patrick
 >> Cassidy
 >> Sent: 21 March 2008 04:08
 >> To: 'Ontology Summit 2008'
 >> Subject: Re: [ontology-summit] [Quality] What means
 >> John,
 >>   Among the 'reviewers' is there any reason not to have an
 >> expert committee
 >> that can create a binary distinction of, e.g.
 >> "well-structured" and "not
 >> well-structured"?  The imprimatur can be an alternative to absolute
 >> exclusion, and still serve the legitimate concerns that Barry
 >> has about
 >> poorly constructed ontologies.
 >> Pat
 >> Patrick Cassidy
 >> MICRA, Inc.
 >> 908-561-3416
 >> cell: 908-565-4053
 >> cassidy@xxxxxxxxx
 >>> -----Original Message-----
 >>> From: ontology-summit-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
 >> [mailto:ontology-summit-
 >>> bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of John F. Sowa
 >>> Sent: Thursday, March 20, 2008 11:56 PM
 >>> To: Ontology Summit 2008
 >>> Subject: Re: [ontology-summit] [Quality] What means
 >>> Pat, Barry, Deborah, and Ed,
 >>> Barry asked an important question that gets to the heart of
 >>> the issues we have been discussing:
 >>> BS> What are scientific journals for?  Why do they employ a peer
 >>>> review process?
 >>> There are two independent issues here:  reviewing and publishing.
 >>> Everybody would agree that reviewing is important, but ideally,
 >>> the readers/users should have the option of making their own
 >>> choices based on the reviews.  When publication was expensive,
 >>> the publishers became gatekeepers because it was economically
 >>> impractical to publish everything.
 >>> But with the WWW, new options are available.  Publication is
 >>> almost free, and we have the luxury of decoupling the reviewing
 >>> process from the gatekeeping process.  Metadata enables that
 >>> decoupling:
 >>>  1. All submissions to the OOR can be made available as soon
 >>>     as they are submitted.
 >>>  2. The metadata associated with each submission can indicate
 >>>     what tests were made, what the reviewers said, and what
 >>>     results the users, if any, obtained.
 >>>  3. Users can choose to see ontologies sorted by any criteria
 >>>     they want:  in the order of best reviews, most thorough
 >>>     testing, greatest usage, greatest relevance to a particular
 >>>     domain, or any weighted combination.
 >>> PH> This is where I part company with Barry, and indeed where I
 >>>> believe that the very idea of controlling the contents of an OOR
 >>>> (noting that the first O means 'open') needs to be examined very,
 >>>> very carefully. Of course we would not argue that majority voting
 >>>> should be used to choose scientific theories; but ontologies,
 >>>> even those used by scientists, are not themselves scientific
 >>>> theories.
 >>> Ontologies overlap philosophy, engineering, science, and
 >> mathematics.
 >>> The closest model we have is the metadata registry, but new policies
 >>> can and should be explored.
 >>> BS>> While refrigerator manufacturers may allow democratic ranking
 >>>>> to influence e.g. size and color, they would use other strategies
 >>>>> e.g. in matters of thermodynamics.
 >>> PH> Perhaps so: but we are here discussing matters of ontology, and
 >>>> in the current state of the art, this may have more in common
 >>>> with consumer product choice than with thermodynamics.
 >>> That is the point I was trying to emphasize.  The application
 >>> developers have deeper understanding of their specific needs and
 >>> problems than any general gatekeeper or committee of gatekeepers.
 >>> DM> CSI, the specification writing organization for building
 >>>> architecture, says quality is "a mirror of the requirements."
 >>> That's a good point, which implies that different set of
 >>> requirements might lead to a different ranking of the same
 >>> ontologies.   No gatekeeper can anticipate the requirements
 >>> of all possible users.
 >>> DM> Do you think the gatekeepers can help define the OOR
 >> requirements
 >>>> and set up the dynamic tests?
 >>> I'd prefer to keep the reviewers and replace the gatekeepers with
 >>> caretakers who have a broader role along the lines you suggested.
 >>> EB> I'm thinking about bureaucrats. I think that many ontologies
 >>>> (and more broadly, concept systems including thesauri,
 >> taxonomies,
 >>>> etc.) have been and will be developed for use within the mission
 >>>> areas of government agencies. There can be a vetting process to
 >>>> "approve" a concept system/ontology for use within a community
 >>>> of interest.
 >>> That suggests a further refinement of the roles of reviewers and
 >>> gatekeepers/caretakers.  At the source, there are individuals and/or
 >>> organizations, who develop ontologies and make them available.
 >>> Among the users, there may be organizations, coalitions, or
 >>> bureaucracies that evaluate the ontologies and determine which
 >>> of them are best suited to their groups of users.
 >>> That is another reason for replacing the gatekeepers in the OOR
 >>> with caretakers.  Any gatekeeping that might be useful would be
 >>> better done by user groups at a level close to the applications
 >>> than by any gatekeeper that is close to the ontology providers.
 >>> John     (025)

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