To: | "[ontolog-forum]" <ontolog-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> |
From: | Thomas Johnston <tmj44p@xxxxxxx> |
Date: | Wed, 16 Sep 2015 03:41:52 +0000 (UTC) |
Message-id: | <> |
Leo, The description of knowledge-based vs "statistics"-based AI is an entry point into so much that I am interested in. Perhaps the distinction will eventually cease to be a distinction between the association of ontologies with the former but not with the latter. Perhaps the distinction will eventually become one between software systems which are given human-developed ontologies, and software systems which abstract their own ontologies from the patterns they discover by naming those patterns and then developing additional patterns by playing with set-theoretic quasi-random combinations of those named patterns. And the way we play these set-theoretic games in our heads, I have suspected for a long time, is by means of background processes in which Venn-diagram-like representations of those labelled patterns are what is actually manipulated, at close to the neural level. (This is a bit like Gardenfors, but also quite a bit unlike him.) I suspect this is far too brief, and also far too off the beaten academic path, to be more than vaguely suggestive, if even that. The interests that it hints at are (i) my interest in lexical semantics, vs. what I see as a one-sided concentration on the semantics of statements on the part of philosophers especially; and (ii) my interest in diachronic semantics, i.e. in how the semantic web that is embodied in the neurochemical web of our brains evolves over time, as it obviously does. I'm tempted to just erase this. But I feel among friends here, and so I've decided that it doesn't matter if this sounds foolish. And if there are others here to whom this is not completely non-sensical, I'd enjoy hearing from you, and especially hearing about the "core bibliographies" relevant to this stuff that you are currently working with. Regards, Tom On Tuesday, September 15, 2015 12:27 AM, "Obrst, Leo J." <lobrst@xxxxxxxxx> wrote: FYI.
-----Original Message-----
From: Christian Hempelmann [mailto:C.Hempelmann@xxxxxxxxx]
FLAIRS Knowledge-Based AI Track
Special Track at FLAIRS-29, Key Largo, Florida USA
In cooperation with the Association for the Advancement of Artificial
Key Largo, Florida, USA
May 16 - 18, 2016
Paper submission deadline: November 16, 2015.
Notifications: January 18, 2016.
Camera-ready version due: February 22, 2016.
All accepted papers will be published as FLAIRS proceedings by the AAAI.
Call for Papers
What is Knowledge-Based AI?
After an early dominance in AI, especially in NLP, approaches based on
engineered knowledge-resources such as rule bases and ontologies modeling
(part of) the world, the statistical winter set in in the 1980s. Fueled by
increased computing power, statistics-based replacements for modeling the
world, including machine-learning and neural networks, lead to early
successes before they hit their ceiling and resulted in algorithmic arms
races. To get AI out of these trenches and back into mobile warfare,
knowledge-based methods have not only been being paid lipservice to in
the many "semantic" revolutions, but actual applications have been built,
often with complementary methodologies that paired statistical and
knowledge-based solutions.
The scope of the track includes research, proof-of-concept and industry
applications in the area of knowledge-based AI, i.e. systems whose
functionality is informed by computational knowledge resources
(ontologies, lexicons, semantic networks and/or knowledge bases). While
the knowledge-based AI is often juxtaposed to the statistics-based AI, we
see the contrast as unnecessarily exclusionary, in that systems combining
the intuitive directness of knowledge representation with the efficiency
of statistics-based computation have distinct advantages.
What is the GOAL of the track?
To showcase recent knowledge-based theories, methodologies, and
applications in AI and to foster new approaches of this kind, also those
paired with statistical and machine-learning approaches.
Who might be interested?
The scope of the track includes research, proof-of-concept and industry
applications in the area of knowledge-based AI, i.e. systems whose
functionality is informed by computational knowledge resources
(ontologies, lexicons, semantic networks and/or knowledge bases). While
the knowledge-based AI is often juxtaposed to the statistics-based AI, we
see the contrast as unnecessarily exclusionary, in that systems combining
the intuitive directness of knowledge representation with the efficiency
of statistical approximation have distinct advantages.
What kind of studies will be of interest?
Papers and contributions are encouraged for any work relating to
Knowledge-Based AI. Topics of interest may include (but are in no way
limited to):
€ ontologies
€ spreading activation networks
€ lexicon acquisition
€ knowledge integration
€ applications in knowledge-based AI
€ hybrid probabilistic/machine-learning & knowledge-based systems
Note: We invite original papers (i.e. work not previously submitted, in
submission, or to be submitted to another conference during the reviewing
Submission Guidelines
Interested authors should format their papers according to AAAI formatting
guidelines. The papers should be original work (i.e., not submitted, in
submission, or submitted to another conference while in review). Papers
should not exceed 6 pages (4 pages for a poster) and are due by November
16, 2015. For FLAIRS-29, the 2016 conference, the reviewing is a double
blind process. Fake author names and affiliations must be used on
submitted papers to provide double-blind reviewing. Papers must be
submittcoued as PDF through the EasyChair conference system, which can be
accessed through the main conference web site
( Note: do not use a fake name for your
EasyChair login - your EasyChair account information is hidden from
reviewers. Authors should indicate the [your track name] special track for
submissions. The proceedings of FLAIRS will be published by the AAAI.
Authors of accepted papers will be required to sign a form transferring
copyright of their contribution to AAAI. FLAIRS requires that there be at
least one full author registration per paper.
Please, check the website for further
Conference Proceedings
Papers will be refereed and all accepted papers will appear in the
conference proceedings, which will be published by AAAI Press.
Organizing Committee
€ Christian F. Hempelmann, Texas A&M University-Commerce,
€ Gavin Matthews,,
€ Max Petrenko,,
Program Committee
€ Christian F. Hempelmann, Texas A&M University-Commerce,
€ Elena Kozerenko, Russian Academy of Sciences,
€ Gavin Matthews,,
€ Leo Obrst, MITRE,
€ Max Petrenko,,
€ Victor Raskin, Purdue University,
€ Julia M. Taylor, Purdue University,
€ Tony Veale, University College Dublin,
€ Yorick Wilks, University of Sheffield & IHMC, Florida,
€ Michael Witbrock, VP for Research, Cycorp.
Further Information
Questions regarding the Knowledge-Based AI Special Track should be
addressed to the track co-chairs:
€ Christian F. Hempelmann, Texas A&M University-Commerce,
€ Gavin Matthews,,
€ Max Petrenko,,
Questions regarding Special Tracks should be addressed to Zdravko Markov,
Conference Chair: William (Bill) Eberle, Tennessee Technological
University, USA (WEberle@xxxxxxxxxx)
Program Co-Chairs: Zdravko Markov, Central Connecticut State University,
USA (markovz@xxxxxxxx)
Ingrid Russell, University of Hartford, USA (irussell@xxxxxxxxxxxx)
Special Tracks Coordinator: Vasile Rus, The University of Memphis, USA
Conference Web Sites
Paper submission site: follow the link for submissions at
FLAIRS-29 conference web page:
Florida AI Research Society (FLAIRS):
Christian F. Hempelmann, PhD | Assistant Professor of Computational
Department of Literature and Languages
Texas A&M University-Commerce
P.O. Box 3011 | Commerce, TX 75429-3011
Tel. 903.468.5291 | Fax: 903.886.5980 |
The Texas A&M University System
Dr. Leo Obrst The MITRE Corporation, Information Semantics
lobrst@xxxxxxxxx Cognitive Science & Artificial Intelligence, CCG
Voice: 703-983-6770 7515 Colshire Drive, M/S H317
Fax: 703-983-1379 McLean, VA 22102-7508, USA
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