On 4/3/15 12:21 PM, John F Sowa wrote:
> On 4/2/2015 3:40 PM, Matthew West wrote:
>> So how do you refer to a car without saying it is a car?
> Just say in English (or its translation to FOL):
> There is an x.
> If you want to say more, add
> x has four wheels; x has a cabin that can hold from 1 to 8
> people; one of them is a driver; the driver can control
> the way x moves.
> You can also, if you wish, say the following, but without assuming
> any fixed definition for the term 'car':
> x is car. (01)
Yes. (02)
You can also leverage indefinite pronoun [blank node] feature of RDF to
arrive at same results, as exemplified in the RDF Nanotation based
example below : (03)
{ (04)
a schema:WebPage ;
rdfs:label "Using Blank Nodes [indefinite pronouns] to vaguely describe
a Car" ;
schema:about [
a <#Car> ;
rdfs:label "Vague Car" ;
<#hasWheelCount> "4"^^xsd:integer ;
<#hasCabin> [ a <#Cabin> ;
rdfs:label "Cabin" ;
<#hasCabinMinCapacity> "1"^^xsd:integer ;
<#hasCabinMaxCapacity> "8"^^xsd:integer
] . (05)
> The critical distinction is in the restrictions implied by
> the system of logic and ontology. If you have a very tightly
> restricted logic, it's impossible to say "driverless car".
Yes. (06)
> With a less restricted logic, you can say anything you like. (07)
Yes. (08)
> If it causes a contradiction, you just delete one or more axioms
> -- in this case, the axiom that a moving car shall have a driver. (09)
Yes! (010)
> John
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Kingsley Idehen
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