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Re: [ontolog-forum] Child architecture

To: ontolog-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
From: John F Sowa <sowa@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 21 Dec 2014 09:25:08 -0500
Message-id: <5496D844.2020307@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Phil and Steven,    (01)

These issues arise from trying to relate words of ordinary language
to technical terms in various branches of cognitive science. I agree
that some discussion of the relationships is useful in a book with
the scope of Phil's dissertation.    (02)

But it's important to distinguish formal terms in a theory, data
derived by experimental procedures and observations, and informal
words whose meanings evolved through thousands of years of usage.
They are related, but not in any one-to-one correspondence.    (03)

> Consciousness is a dynamic property of a system observing itself and
> its relation to its environment. This property is evidenced by the
> creation of conceptual structures that represent a system's observations
> and thoughts about itself and its environment.    (04)

This is an attempt to define a common word by a technical definition.
It's misleading on both sides: (1) attempts to legislate how people
use words have little or no effect on practice; (2) using informal
words in a technical sense is confusing for the reader, who can't
avoid mixing preconceived ideas with the formal presentation.    (05)

As an example, I would cite Dehaene's term 'signature of consciousness'.
That's a technical term with 'signature' as the head word (focus).
The common word 'consciousness' is in a qualifier that serves as a
reminder that this technical term is related to the informal term. *    (06)

In my writing, I use the term 'conceptual graph' as a technical term,
in which the head word is 'graph'.  I also use the word 'concept',
but I emphasize that it has no formal meaning other than "a node
in a graph".    (07)

If anybody asks what a concept means in the theory, I just repeat:
"Formally, a concept is a node in a graph.  Its only meaning comes
from the operations that are defined on the graphs."    (08)

* Dehaene, Stanislas (2014) _Consciousness and the Brain_,
   New York: Viking.    (09)

John    (010)

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