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Re: [ontolog-forum] A flow chart with open-source NLP tools

To: ontolog-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
From: Kingsley Idehen <kidehen@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 29 Sep 2014 14:23:06 -0400
Message-id: <5429A38A.2080707@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
On 9/29/14 1:51 PM, Kingsley Idehen wrote:
> On 9/29/14 1:35 PM, Kingsley Idehen wrote:
>> On 9/29/14 11:14 AM, John F Sowa wrote:
>>> Michael, Kingsley, and Dick,
>>> In this morning's email, I found an announcement that illustrates
>>> the difficulties of analyzing and untangling ambiguities in NLs.
>>> To see the complexity of the issues, browse through the abstracts
>>> about detecting "Evidentiality and Modality" in documents:
>>> MB
>>>> What about neural networks and feature vectors / word embeddings?
>>> I agree that there are many other tools that should be included.
>>> A one-slide flow chart is useful.  But when you dig deeper, it
>>> becomes so complex that a different format would be better.
>>> JFS
>>>>> 1. The kind of NLP that the URI points to happens to be a video about
>>>>>     Neuro-Linguistic Programming, not Natural Language Processing.
>>> KI
>>>> The HTTP URI <https://twitter.com/hashtag/NLP#this>, when placed in 
>>>> the
>>>> address bar of any browser simply resolves to an HTML document that
>>>> lists a collection of Tweets.
>>> Yes, but acronyms are notoriously ambiguous.
>> I will add some more nanotations at the end of this response, in 
>> regards to the acronym issue referred to above.
>>>   Just type any
>>> acronym to Wikipedia to find amusing examples.
>> Yes, I understand that, and will add more emphasis via RDF statements 
>> in my next batch of nanotations.
>>> I have found that outside AI and related areas, 'NLP' refers to
>>> that bunch of quacks that claim to be doing neuro-linguistics.
>>> They have a lot more money for TV ads.
>>> KI
>>>> http://linkeddata.uriburner.com/c/9C3K2GJR -- a description of what
>>>> <https://twitter.com/hashtag/NLP> actually identifies (or names)
>>>> modulo owl:sameAs reasoning and inference
>>> I agree that your URIBurner can be useful for untangling such tags.
>> URIBurner is just an RDF statement processor.
>>> But I have a request and a suggestion about that page:
>>> Request:  In the following quotation, please replace "that NLP" with
>>> "Neuro-linguistic programming" to make it clear what I'm criticizing.
>>> And there's no need to mention my name, just quote Wikipedia.
>> Okay, see nanotation below. Either way, you are participating in the 
>> discourse emerging here, so you are associated etc..
>>>> (014) As Wikipedia says about that NLP, 'The balance of scientific
>>>> evidence reveals NLP to be a largely discredited pseudoscience' --
>>>> John F. Sowa.
>>> The two kinds of NLP are totally unrelated.  The following two entries
>>> imply that there is some relationship:
>> They are related, just by the fact that both are mentioned in the 
>> discourse emerging here :-)
>>>> sameAs Natural language processing
>>>> has related Neuro-linguistic programming
>> Yes, by way of this email thread.
>>> On LinkeIn, NLP usually means natural language processing.  But on
>>> Facebook, it usually means quackery.  They are disjoint.
>>> Suggestion:  The term 'computational linguistics' is a synonym
>>> for 'natural language processing'.  You might add more to the
>>> URIBurner page to say that.
>> ## Nanotation Start ##
>> <https://twitter.com/hashtag/NLP#this>
>> is foaf:primary topic of 
>> <http://ontolog.cim3.net/forum/ontolog-forum/2014-09/msg00091.html> ;
>> skos:altLabel "Computational Linguistics" ;
>> rdfs:comment """ As Wikipedia says about that NLP, 'The balance of 
>> scientific
>> evidence reveals NLP to be a largely discredited pseudoscience. """ ;
>> rdfs:commment """The term 'Computational Linguistics' is a synonym 
>> for 'Natural Language Processing'.""" ;
>> skos:related dbpedia:Computational_linguistics ;
>> rdfs:seeAlso  dbpedia:Neuro-linguistic_programming .
>> ## Nanotation End ##
> The nanotations above weren't picked up by the URIBurner processor, 
> due to typos (note: rdfs:commment), so here's a fixed rendition:
> ## Nanotation Start ##
> <https://twitter.com/hashtag/NLP#this>
> is foaf:primary topic of 
> <http://ontolog.cim3.net/forum/ontolog-forum/2014-09/msg00091.html> ;
> skos:altLabel "Computational Linguistics" ;
> rdfs:comment """ As Wikipedia says about that NLP, 'The balance of 
> scientific evidence reveals NLP to be a largely discredited 
> pseudoscience'. """ ;
> rdfs:comment """ The term 'Computational Linguistics' is a synonym for 
> 'Natural Language Processing'. """ ;
> skos:related dbpedia:Computational_linguistics ;
> rdfs:seeAlso  dbpedia:Neuro-linguistic_programming .
> ## Nanotation End ##    (01)

Pardon me for the inadvertent nuisance factor here, but there's another 
typo (is foaf:primary topic instead of: is foaf:primaryTopic of). I 
could edit this elsewhere, but I want to keep the thread intact:    (02)

## Nanotation Start ##    (03)

is foaf:primaryTopic of
<http://ontolog.cim3.net/forum/ontolog-forum/2014-09/msg00091.html> ;    (04)

skos:altLabel "Computational Linguistics" ;    (05)

rdfs:comment """ As Wikipedia says about that NLP, 'The balance of 
scientific evidence reveals NLP to be a largely discredited 
pseudoscience'. """ ;    (06)

rdfs:comment """ The term 'Computational Linguistics' is a synonym for 
'Natural Language Processing'. """ ;    (07)

skos:related dbpedia:Computational_linguistics ;    (08)

rdfs:seeAlso  dbpedia:Neuro-linguistic_programming .    (09)

## Nanotation End ##    (010)

Regards,    (011)

Kingsley Idehen 
Founder & CEO
OpenLink Software
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Personal WebID: http://kingsley.idehen.net/dataspace/person/kidehen#this    (012)

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