Hello Michael,
Michael Brunnbauer wrote:
> On Wed, Sep 03, 2014 at 03:05:02PM -0400, Philip Jackson wrote:
> > JS
> > > but any AI system that could do even a subset of the tasks that
> > > Langley lists for the attorney or teacher would be extremely
> > > valuable.
> PH
> > Valuable for who, exactly? Seems to me all it would do is put
> > human attorneys and teachers out of a job. Or, more likely,
> > mean that some human teachers and attorneys (those who have
> > the funds to buy or rent such a system) have a devastating
> > advantage over other human rivals.
> >This is the general problem of technological unemployment resulting
> > from automation and AI, which has been receiving increased attention
> > over the past several years.
> Or the problem that statements from people working in that field sometimes
> suggest to others that they care more about making some dream come true than
> about desirability or consequences.
I've added initials above to show who gave each comment in the thread.
I care about the desirability of consequences for achieving human-level AI, which is why section 7.9 discusses the problem of technological unemployment.
I think probably everyone else who posted or was quoted in this thread, also hopes for desirable consequences of work in the field.
> Section 2.1 of my thesis discusses 'higher-level mentalities' needed to support human-level intelligence in general.
> If you carry on like this we'll have to rename this mailing list to
> "Philip Jackson's doctoral thesis" ;-)
It seems a lot of topics are discussed, and questions asked, for which it seems the thesis gives relevant discussions. Whenever that happens, the choice is whether to be silent, or to chip in my two cents...
Maybe I should use an acronym, e.g. "RTPCJT", for "Read the PCJ Thesis", and just post something like:
RTPCJT section 7.9:
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