On Sep 3, 2014, at 8:29 AM, John F Sowa <sowa@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote: (01)
> Volume 3, September 2013 to August 2014, of the Journal
> _Advances in Cognitive Systems_ is available for free download:
> http://www.cogsys.org/journal/volume-3/
> The editor, Pat Langley, proposed four research challenges that
> are more realistic than the Turing test:
> http://www.cogsys.org/pdf/paper-9-3-37.pdf
> Following are the four challenges:
> 1. A synthetic entertainer -- a singer-songwriter that people would
> enjoy listening to.
> 2. A synthetic attorney that would interview a client, gather
> information, plan a defense, interact with the judge and witnesses,
> and prepare and present a closing argument.
> 3. A synthetic politician that would analyze information about
> current issues, write and deliver speeches, answer questions,
> and participate in debates with other candidates.
> 4. A synthetic teacher that would compose lectures on a subject,
> present them to students, answer questions during or after the
> lectures, generate exercises and tests, and grade the answers.
> When the movie _2001: A Space Odyssey_ came out in 1968, Marvin Minsky,
> who had been a technical adviser for it, said that the HAL 9000 was a
> "conservative estimate" of the state of the art of AI in 2001.
> An AI system with the abilities of HAL could do a respectable job
> as an entertainer, attorney, politician, or teacher. But there is
> no research prototype today that comes remotely close.
> I'm not sure about the practical value of synthetic politician,
> but any AI system that could do even a subset of the tasks that
> Langley lists for the attorney or teacher would be extremely
> valuable. (02)
Valuable for who, exactly? Seems to me all it would do is put human attorneys
and teachers out of a job. Or, more likely, mean that some human teachers and
attorneys (those who have the funds to buy or rent such a system) have a
devastating advantage over other human rivals. (03)
Pat Hayes (04)
> Why can't AI do those tasks today? What kind of R & D would help?
> John
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