I had hoped that this thread had died of benign neglect.
But I couldn't resist the following: (01)
> L’Académie française, the French government’s top authority
> on language, have officially created a French word for sexting...
> That word, mes amis, is textopornographie. The word for an actual
> sexy text message is simply “sexto.” (02)
Source: (03)
http://newsfeed.time.com/2013/12/19/ooh-la-la-the-french-word-for-sexting-is-textopornographie/ (04)
The word 'sexto' might catch on. But French has already adopted the
-ing paradigm for le camping et le shampooing. Anybody who accepts
the word 'sexto', but outlaws 'sexting' is cluelessing. (05)
John (06)
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