On 12/17/2013 7:00 PM, Ron Wheeler
You need to read what he said more carefully.
He did not say that any language was replaced.
Thanks for your gentle admonition and your pointing out the
quantifier "any" vs. "some". Ok ... let's suppose....
However, can you pretty please enlighten me further by explaining to
me what other languages were used in North Africa (namely,
Morocco+Algeria+Tunisia) before the Arabs came?
So I'm afraid that I did indeed read what he wrote (since I
generally do not read lips). And here it is again:
On 12/17/2013
8:04 AM, John F Sowa wrote:
In fact, the only languages that Arabic replaced belong to the
Asiatic family. That includes the Semitic languages of the near
and the languages across northern Africa.
So yes, again, unless you can answer my question to you above, he
did indeed write what I had understood he meant (perhaps too
hurriedly, as he himself concurred in his follow-up mail).
But thanks for chiding me - unfortunately enough, I do admit being
often guilty of not proof-reading myself with enough
attention to warrant against typos and grammatically lame
expressions before hitting the "send" button...
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