Dear ALL, (01)
The session today was just great! (02)
(While it was unfortunate that Mr. Arun Majumdar (VivoMind Research)
was unable to join us at the panel due to a last minute emergency) Our
distinguished panelists - Dr. Jans Aasman (Franz), Mr. William Guinn
(WGSigma System) and Professor Mitch Kokar (Northeastern University) -
gave three comprehensive and interesting talks with cases on large
scale Reasoning, Rules and Logic Programming applications. Thank you
all for sharing your work and insight with the community. Your
contribution adds a few more key pieces to the body of knowledge that
this community is collaboratively building together. (03)
The full proceedings of the session - abstracts, slides, in-session
chat transcript, audio recording, attendee roster, etc. - are all
available online now, from the session page. See: ...
accessible from the "Archives" section. (04)
Join us again on Thu 2014_01_09 for the RulesReasoningLP mini-series
session-05: Rule Standards: Common Logic, RuleML, and RIF - Co-chairs:
Harold Boley, Adrian Paschke & Mike Dean (05)
Coming up next, will be the OntologySummit2014 Kick-off Session, on
Thursday, 16-Jan-2014 ... please mark your calendars and watch out for
further announcements and developing details at: (06)
This being the last virtual community session for the year, allow me
to take the opportunity to wish everyone Happy Holidays! (07)
Thanks & regards. =ppy (08)
for the Session co-chairs
Henson Graves & Ken Baclawski (09)
and the RulesReasoningLP mini-series co-champions
-- (010)
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Peter Yim <peter.yim@xxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, Dec 18, 2013 at 9:08 AM
Subject: Re: "Rules-Reasoning-LP" mini-series session-04 - Thu 2013.12.19
To: "[ontolog-forum]" <ontolog-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> (011)
Re: (012)
= REMINDER = (013)
This is a reminder that the "RulesReasoningLP" mini-series session-04:
"Guide to Reasoning Applications Development and Cases" is coming up
tomorrow (Thursday, Dec-19.) (014)
We are looking towards a very interesting session with presentations
from the four expert panelists (see previous announcmeent message,
below.) An open Q&A and discussion will follow, as usual, after the
panelists' talks. (015)
If you have a professional interest in Ontology, Rules, and Logic
Programming for Reasoning and Applications, you probably don't want to
miss this session, and the rest of the events of this mini-series. (016)
RSVP now, if you haven't already! (... see details below) (017)
* Date: Thursday, 19-Dec-2013 (018)
* Start Time: 9:30am PST / 12:30pm EST / 6:30pm CET / 17:30 GMT/UTC
ref: World Clock -
* Expected Call Duration: ~2.0 hours (019)
* Dial-in:
** Phone (US): +1 (206) 402-0100 ... Conference ID: 141184# , or
** Skype: in view of recent reported skype connection issues, this is
not recommended (especially for speakers) although it may still
work for some ... to do that, make a skype call to
the skypeID: "joinconference"
... when prompted enter Conference ID: 141184# (020)
Just point your browser to the session page: when
you are about to connect into the session. Details will be there at
the top of the page. Please try dialing-in a few minutes before the
scheduled start-time, as we have a very full program planned for this session. (021)
Talk to you all tomorrow! =ppy (022)
For the Session Co-chairs
Henson Graves & Ken Baclawski (023)
... along with other co-champions of
the RulesReasoningLP mini-series
-- (024)
---------- original message ---(updated)-------
From: Peter Yim <peter.yim@xxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, Dec 13, 2013 at 9:52 PM
Subject: "Rules-Reasoning-LP" mini-series session-04 - Thu 2013.12.19
To: "[ontolog-invitation]" <ontolog-invitation@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> (025)
Re: (026)
Dear All, (027)
After the first three sessions of the "Ontology, Rules, and Logic
Programming for Reasoning and Applications" (dubbed:
"RulesReasoningLP") mini-series, which covered an overview, as well as
concepts and foundations of the pertinent technology space, we are
pleased to announce session-04: "Guide to Reasoning Applications
Development and Cases" which will be featured next Thursday,
19-Dec-2013. You are cordially invited to join us ... RSVP Now
(details below)! (028)
* Date: Thursday, 19-Dec-2013
* Start Time: 9:30am PST / 12:30pm EST / 6:30pm CET / 17:30 GMT/UTC
** ref: World Clock -
* Expected Call Duration: ~2.0 hours (029)
*Register your attendance* by emailing <peter.yim@xxxxxxxx> off-line
or register yourself directly to the wiki session page. Please specify
the date or name of the session(s) you are registering for (your
affiliation too, if you are not already a member of the community.) (030)
= RulesReasoningLP: mini-series session-04 - Thu 2013-12-19 = (031)
Topic: Guide to Reasoning Applications Development and Cases (032)
Session Co-chairs: Dr. Henson Graves (Algos Associates) & Professor
Kenneth Baclawski (Northeastern U) (033)
Panelists / Briefings: (034)
* Mr. Arun Majumdar (VivoMind Research) - "Applications of logic
programming in agile reasoning including the Beyond Rare Earths
Magnets Program of the Department of Energy" (035)
* Dr. Jans Aasman (Franz) - "Using Prolog and SPARQL's Magic
Predicates for Detecting Fraud Patterns" (036)
* Mr. William Guinn (WGSigma System) - "Architecting intelligent
real-time systems which process billions of events a day" (037)
* Professor Mitch Kokar (Northeastern U) - "OWL and Rules for Cognitive Radios" (038)
The focus of this session is to identify where reasoning has been used
successfully on mainstream applications. We hope to gain insight into
the technical underpinnings of successful mainstream systems. The
session will comprise of briefings from the four invited panelists,
followed by an open discussion among the panel and all the
participants. See details on the session page at: (039)
This session, like all Ontolog virtual events, are open and free of
charge. Anyone who is interested, or (better still) who may have
something to contribute, is welcome. Please refer to event details on
the session pages, to which the hyperlink is given above, where you
will find session agenda, conference call dial-in, slides and other
pertinent information. Feel free to pass this invitation along to
colleagues who may also find these sessions to be of interest. (040)
*RSVP* by emailing Peter Yim at <peter.yim@xxxxxxxx> offline (or add
yourself directly to the session page if you are already an Ontolog
community member) so that we can prepare enough resources to support
everyone. [Please state clearly the date of the session you are
registering for in your email; your affiliation too, if you are not a
community member.] (041)
These sessions will be recorded and made available in a publicly
accessible archive. Therefore, before participating, please make sure
you are cognizant of our IPR policy (ref: (042)
Regards. =ppy (043)
For the Session Co-chairs
Henson Graves & Ken Baclawski (044)
... along with other co-champions of
the RulesReasoningLP mini-series (045)
p.s. see more details on the mini-series at: where you
will find links to the full proceedings (including slides,
in-session-chat-transcript, and audio recording) of previous
sessions in this mini-series at their respective session pages.
-- (046)
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