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Re: [ontolog-forum] ONTOLOG community event planning and scheduling sess

To: ontolog-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
From: Kingsley Idehen <kidehen@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 13 Sep 2013 16:24:33 -0400
Message-id: <52337481.6040105@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
On 9/13/13 3:47 PM, Michael Brunnbauer wrote:
Hello Kingsley,

On Fri, Sep 13, 2013 at 02:56:55PM -0400, Kingsley Idehen wrote:
I am referring to this*or*  the ability to update RDF data via a SQL view.
The latter may make sense, the former not.
If a DBMS supports Procedure Values (or what some refer to as Table 
Value Functions), you simply use that feature to construct a SQL View 
that executes SPARQL 1.1 Updates against the quad store.

Since Virtuoso has always supported Procedure Views, and it supports 
SPARQL inside SQL, I think you can see that this is yet another non issue.
SQL Table Value Functions are new to me. Let me see if I am with you.

Table Value Functions are generalized, updateable views using SQL procedures ?

SQL Views created via SQL Stored Procedures. Net effect, you have a View (read-only or updateable ).

-I have a RDB storing triples in a fixed schema and translating SPARQL
 queries to SQL

-I create a view using a Table Value Function with SPARQL in the function body

-I use SQL select/delete/update on that view like on a table

This is impressive. You have of course the performance penalty of RDF with
the performance penalty of RDF on top of a RDB but nethertheless: I am 

We don't have the perceived RDF performance penalty. See the Star Benchamark report I posted earlier. Also note, we'll soon demonstrate the SQL and SPARQL parity via TPC-H too.

I wonder if this works out in practice. Does anybody actually do this ?

Yes, the concept emerged in the DBMS realm late 90's. We just added the ability to execute SPARQL inside SQL to the mix :-)

Thank heavens for John Sowa, Ed Berkmeyer, and many others on this list,  we are finally having a forum to actually discuss these kinds of DBMS matters!

RDF has a poor narrative. The radical (rip and replace) aspect of its narrative compromises (cloaks) its many virtues.



Michael Brunnbauer

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Kingsley Idehen	      
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