Hello Kingsley, (01)
On Fri, Sep 13, 2013 at 12:44:07PM -0400, Kingsley Idehen wrote:
> >So I can start a transaction with SPARQL (how do I do that ?), update some
> >data with SPARQL, query the updated data with SPARQL and the others do not
> >see the modified data until I commit the transaction ?
> Yes, of course [1]. (02)
That is cool. And probably quite easy to implement if the underlying backend
is a transactional RDB. But the RDB in this case is just that: A backend
with a fixed schema used to store triples. Connecting to such a backend with
SQL is completely pointless. (03)
> What is the underlying data model ? What happens to the SQL
> >"table row" if I delete one "triple" from it with SPARQL ?
> I think you are referring to the ability to update SQL Data via a Linked
> Data view. (04)
I am referring to this *or* the ability to update RDF data via a SQL view.
The latter may make sense, the former not. (05)
> If so, we don't offer that off-the-bat, but it has nothing to
> do with impossibility, its just something we haven't packaged as part of
> the Linked Data view functionality. In addition, when you have a Linked
> Data view sitting in front of ODBC or JDBC accessible SQL RDBMS data, we
> are yet to encounter a customer use-case where updates to the SQL DBMS
> hosted data via the Linked Data views is a requirement. (06)
Because it does not make sense. How do you handle the SPARQL INSERT of an
arbitrary triple ? Do you ignore it if it does not match the RDB schema ?
Do you create new tables on the fly ? (07)
> If we are talking about simply Updating and Deleting triples associated
> with a Named Graph that works fine. (08)
Yes - if you decide to use the RDF data model and abandon updating the data
with SQL in favor of SPARQL. (09)
Regards, (010)
Michael Brunnbauer (011)
++ Michael Brunnbauer
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++ USt-IdNr. DE221033342
++ Gesch�ftsf�hrer: Michael Brunnbauer, Franz Brunnbauer
++ Prokurist: Dipl. Kfm. (Univ.) Markus Hendel (012)
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