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Re: [ontolog-forum] ONTOLOG community event planning and scheduling sess

To: ontolog-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
From: Kingsley Idehen <kidehen@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 13 Sep 2013 12:44:07 -0400
Message-id: <523340D7.4010702@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
On 9/13/13 10:37 AM, Michael Brunnbauer wrote:
Hello Kingsley,

On Fri, Sep 13, 2013 at 10:07:02AM -0400, Kingsley Idehen wrote:
Suppose you have an App with user registration. If you store the user data
in a triple store, deleting a user with SPARQL becomes difficult.
That doesn't apply to every triplestore.
It does because it is a consequence of the triple model.

But that's an imprecise comment.

Virtuoso is a hybrid DBMS i.e., not a basic triple store. Thus, do you put it in your classification re. DBMS engines that manage RDF model data?

has to factor in deltas such that it doesn't perform wholesale named 
graph deletions etc.
Oh yes, deltas. How easy compared to "delete from table where key='...'".

I mentioned deltas as an example of a serious challenge when dealing with millions of named graphs associated with their respective triples collections.

We are a full blown ACID DBMS. See our benchmark reports. These simply 
aren't new issues since we have a hybrid DBMS.
So I can start a transaction with SPARQL (how do I do that ?), update some
data with SPARQL, query the updated data with SPARQL and the others do not
see the modified data until I commit the transaction ?

Yes, of course [1].

I don't know what that really means. Can I modify data with SPARQL *and* 
in your DBMS ? If yes, how does that work ?
Of course you can
I can do a SPARQL UPDATE and SQL DELETE on the *same* data ?
 How is this data
stored ? What is the underlying data model ? What happens to the SQL 
"table row" if I delete one "triple" from it with SPARQL ?
I think you are referring to the ability to update SQL Data via a Linked Data view. If so, we don't offer that off-the-bat, but it has nothing to do with impossibility, its just something we haven't packaged as part of the Linked Data view functionality. In addition, when you have a Linked Data view sitting in front of ODBC or JDBC accessible SQL RDBMS data, we are yet to encounter a customer use-case where updates to the SQL DBMS hosted data via the Linked Data views is a requirement.

If we are talking about simply Updating and Deleting triples associated with a Named Graph that works fine. SPARQL 1.1 does enable:

WITH <urn:sparql:11:qa>
INSERT {<#subjectID> <#predicateID> <#objectID>};
DELETE { ?s ?p ?o } WHERE {?s ?p ?o};
INSERT {<#subjectID> <#predicateID> <#objectID>} .


[1] http://virtuoso.openlinksw.com/dataspace/doc/dav/wiki/Main/VirtTipsAndTricksGuideDeleteLargeGraphs .



Michael Brunnbauer

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Kingsley Idehen	      
Founder & CEO 
OpenLink Software     
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