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Re: [ontolog-forum] ONTOLOG community event planning and scheduling sess

To: ontolog-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
From: Kingsley Idehen <kidehen@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 13 Sep 2013 12:51:54 -0400
Message-id: <523342AA.1030805@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
On 9/13/13 11:54 AM, Michael Brunnbauer wrote:
Hello Kingsley,

On Fri, Sep 13, 2013 at 04:37:57PM +0200, Michael Brunnbauer wrote:
I can do a SPARQL UPDATE and SQL DELETE on the *same* data ? How is this data
stored ? What is the underlying data model ? What happens to the SQL 
"table row" if I delete one "triple" from it with SPARQL ?
If the underlying data model is RDF is may even be feasible.

"SQL views over RDF" sounds like a pretty cool technology but if I query 
Google for that I only get results for RDF views over SQL.

Since the year 2007 you've been able to build SQL views atop ODBC and JDBC accessible using Virtuoso. There's a collection of slideshare presentations [1][2][3][4][5] that walk you through the process. These presentations even include the use of WebID data access policies etc.


1. http://slidesha.re/Rd3HRj -- Using Microsoft Access as a LOD Cloud front-end via ODBC
2. http://slidesha.re/ShX6zQ -- Using Crystal Reports as a LOD Cloud front-end via ODBC
3. http://slidesha.re/Ogj5YA -- Using Tableau as a LOD Cloud front-end via ODBC
4. http://slidesha.re/Ph0fS5 --  Using Tibco Spotfire as a LOD Cloud front-end via ODBC
5. http://slidesha.re/NAJKNA -- Using Filemaker as a LOD Cloud front-end via ODBC.



Michael Brunnbauer

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Kingsley Idehen	      
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