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Re: [ontolog-forum] How de facto standards are created

To: ontolog-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
From: Kingsley Idehen <kidehen@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 18 Jun 2013 13:51:21 -0400
Message-id: <51C09E19.6070605@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
On 6/18/13 10:16 AM, John F Sowa wrote:
> On 6/18/2013 9:08 AM, Kingsley Idehen wrote:
>> but I do think OWL is being treated a little unkindly. I do believe a
>> little semantics can go a long way re. usefulness
> I certainly agree with the second sentence.  But the little semantics
> that most OWL users actually use does not require anything more than
> Aristotle.    (01)

But how so you put Aristotle into a Web resource such that user agents 
can then make sense of what they encounter? If I can achieve that goal 
via Web-accessible documents, where semantics and content formats are 
distinct, it's got to be huge plus, right?    (02)

> In short, if anybody wants to use OWL because it's a standard, I have
> no quarrel.  But for the long term, I believe that the SW will have
> to do something similar to what they did in going from full-blown
> RDF to the much simpler RDFa combined with something like JSON.    (03)

JSON-LD, JSON, and Turtle all provide content formats for constructing 
Web-accessible documents comprised of entity relationship graphs -- 
where the entity relationship semantics can still be as simple as those 
expressed by Aristotle.    (04)

> And I don't mean SKOS.    (05)

Neither do I.    (06)

>   What I mean is closer to Aristotle, but
> it could be called OWLa (where "a" stands for Aristotle or Athena
> -- or OWLm, if you prefer Minerva).
> Furthermore, it's essential for the SW to dump that totally irrelevant
> and hopelessly misleading buzzword "decidability".    (07)

Many off us moved beyond that ages ago. We just focused on "deceptively 
simple" document content formats that are loosely coupled with 
machine-comprehensible entity relationship semantics :-)    (08)

> John
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--     (010)

Regards,    (011)

Kingsley Idehen 
Founder & CEO
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