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Re: [ontolog-forum] How de facto standards are created

To: ontolog-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
From: Kingsley Idehen <kidehen@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 19 Jun 2013 11:55:52 -0400
Message-id: <51C1D488.5080207@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
On 6/19/13 11:32 AM, John F Sowa wrote:
> On 6/19/2013 9:23 AM, Kingsley Idehen wrote:
>> How do you put Aristotle's semantics into a structured document that's
>> web-like, and optionally scalable to the World Wide Web?
> Aristotle's semantics can be expressed in any notation you prefer.
> It is a subset of OWL that can be (and *has* been) implemented much
> more efficiently than OWL.  Following are the basics:
>    1. A hierarchy of types (which correspond to OWL classes) that can
>       support multiple inheritance and/or single inheritance.
>    2. Four simple statements that can be expressed in English or any
>       other natural language.  You can also express them in Venn diagrams.
>       Or you can use four words:  subtype, supertype, overlap, disjoint.
>    3. Syllogisms, which are patterns of sentences that express the same
>       kinds of inferences that are permissible in OWL.    (01)

Which is basically what I am getting at with regards to making the 
entity relationship semantics discernible from document content (be it 
private or World Wide Web scale web-like structured data).    (02)

> If you want a compact linear notation that can be embedded in documents
> and is more readable, more flexible, and more efficient than OWL, I
> recommend Common Logic.    (03)

I just want a little semantics which takes the user or developer a long 
way whenever that encounter this kind of structured data.    (04)

>   The XCL dialect uses XML, and it can be
> embedded in documents in the same way as RDF.  But you can also use
> the tried and true method for embedding JavaScript, JSON, PHP, and
> other notations in HTML:  tags like <script> and </script>.
> By the way, you can map any N3 triple A B C to ("B" "A" "C") in CLIF
> or CGIF.    (05)

Yes.    (06)

>   But you also have the option of using much more logic,
> if you need it.  For the kinds of inferences performed by OWL, you
> can use the same algorithms with CL notation that you use with OWL
> notation.  The main difference is that CL notation is less bloated
> and therefore more efficient than native OWL processors.
> For examples of syllogisms and their mapping to Venn diagrams, see
> slides 23 to 33 of http://www.jfsowa.com/talks/kdptut.pdf    (07)

Okay.    (08)

BTW -- can I upload to slideshare on your behalf?    (09)

> John
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--     (011)

Regards,    (012)

Kingsley Idehen 
Founder & CEO
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