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[ontolog-forum] FW: Big Data Logic Stack?

To: "[ontolog-forum] (ontolog-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx)" <ontolog-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Cc: "Weber, Martin S" <martin.weber@xxxxxxxx>
From: "Barkmeyer, Edward J" <edward.barkmeyer@xxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 1 Feb 2013 15:49:36 -0500
Message-id: <63955B982BF1854C96302E6A5908234417D3869693@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
One of my co-workers contributed this gem to our project.  Since it combines 
two sources of endless discussion on the Forum, I thought it only fitting...    (01)

-Ed    (02)

-----Original Message-----
From: Weber, Martin S 
Sent: Friday, February 01, 2013 2:46 PM
Subject: Big Data Logic Stack?    (03)

last time I mentioned that some big data stacks actually are now using logic 
representation and or query languages.    (04)

Two examples for this:
a) the datomic database which uses a datom as the atomic unit of storage.
>From http://www.infoq.com/articles/Datomic-Information-Model :    (05)

"Every database has a fundamental unit at the bottom of its model, e.g. a 
relation, row or document. For Datomic, that unit is the atomic fact, something 
we call a Datom.
A Datom has the following components:    (06)

* Entity    (07)

* Attribute    (08)

* Value    (09)

* Transaction (database time)    (010)

* Add/Retract    (011)

This representation has obvious similarities to the Subject/Predicate/Object 
data model of RDF <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Resource_Description_Framework>
 statements. However, without a temporal notion or proper representation  of 
retraction, RDF statements are insufficient for representing historical 
information. Being oriented toward business information systems, Datomic adopts 
the closed-world assumption, avoiding the challenges of universal naming, 
open-world, shared semantics etc of the semantic web 
<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Semantic_Web>. A Datom is a minimal and 
sufficient representation of a fact."    (012)

The other part where logic comes in in 'big data' database stacks, is with 
Cascalog. I'm just reading a Big Data book which completely focusses on 
JCascalog (you might know it from Jena for instance) as the querying language. 
Datomic also uses cascalog as its native query mechanism (which doesn't have to 
be bound to the database at all, so you can do ad-hoc queries, too, using the 
cascalog logic in your business logic).    (013)

Cascalog in turns is an adoption of datalog, drawing from its prolog heritage.    (014)

So there you go, logic facts both at the datum level (in the case of
datomic) as well as on the query level (with cascalog). State of the art:
finally begin using yesterday's techniques.    (015)

-Martin    (016)

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