On Thu, September 6, 2012 18:02, William Frank wrote:
> On Thu, Sep 6, 2012 at 5:02 PM, doug foxvog <doug@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> ...
> I have found that one person's "Real Thing" is another person's
> abstraction. (01)
No argument here. (02)
> So I was only objecting to your saying that a relation can't
> be a "First Class Object". (03)
The reference is to:
On Thu, Sep 6, 2012 at 12:34 PM, doug foxvog <doug@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> On Thu, September 6, 2012 06:40, Andries van Renssen wrote:
> > AR: All occurrences (activities, processes and events) are basically
> > higher arity relations (interactions between things). (04)
> DF: I would disagree. Occurrences are first class objects. Higher (or
> arity relations can describe aspects of such occurrences. (05)
This was not saying that relations or relation instances can not be expressed
by first class objects. What i meant is that the semantics of a relation
instance is implicit in the semantics of the relation used and the arguments
on which it is used. Adding meta-assertions about the statement is
different from adding additional assertions about the event which the
statement partially describes. (06)
> ...
> Am I understanding this right to mean something
> that can have an intrinsic identity, something that can be referred to and
> communicated about by reference rather than simply by value, in the
> language being used? (07)
Yes. (08)
> If so, think most anything can be, depending on what
> we are choosing to model, and what language we are choosing to model in. (09)
Agreed. (010)
-- doug foxvog (011)
> Thanks,
> wm
>> -- doug foxvog
> --
> William Frank
> (012)
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