John and all: (01)
On Sun, 2012-02-26 at 18:31 -0600, Paul Tyson wrote: (02)
> > JFS:
> > Please note that the group (Google, Microsoft, Yahoo!
> > and others) have some very intelligent R & D people. They looked
> > at RDF, but they adopted instead.
> PT
> Those great minds are being applied to problems mostly unrelated to my
> work, ... (03)
I am terribly sorry for the remarks I made in the rest of that
paragraph, which impugned the motives of the researchers John referred
to, and which I am too embarrassed to quote. The remarks were wholly
unfounded; they were heedless, offensive, uncalled for, and unnecessary.
It was an inexcusable breach of netiquette. I ask your forbearance while
I redouble my intent to make only polite and on-topic contributions to
these stimulating discussions. (04)
With regret and sincerest apology,
--Paul (05)
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