Yes, thanks Chris.
And the other book takes quite a different position.
Interestingly I was asked to look at the Berger and Luckman book yesterday, which may explain (but not forgive :-) ) the typo.
From: ontolog-forum-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:ontolog-forum-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Christopher Menzel
Sent: 11 January 2011 17:10
To: [ontolog-forum]
Subject: Re: [ontolog-forum] Modeling a money transferring scenario
On Jan 11, 2011, at 10:15 AM, Chris Partridge wrote:
WRT creating money by fiat - see also John Searle’s Social Construction of Reality where this is one of the main topics discussed.
You mean Searle's The Construction of Social Reality. The Social Construction of Reality is a book by sociologists Berger and Luckman (as you probably know).