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Re: [ontolog-forum] [uk-government-data-developers] OMG Issues RFP for L

To: uk-government-data-developers@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Cc: semweb-31@xxxxxxxxxx, ACT-IAC@xxxxxxxxxx, ontolog-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, Ontology PSIG <ontology@xxxxxxx>, eGovIG IG <public-egov-ig@xxxxxx>
From: Kingsley Idehen <kidehen@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 17 Dec 2009 17:14:46 -0500
Message-id: <4B2AAD56.1030106@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Cory Casanave wrote:
> At the technical committee meeting last week in Long Beach California, 
> the Object Management Group issued a request for proposals to provide 
> better connectivity between models and modeling languages defined in 
> OMG and RDF Linked Open Data.
> The OMG (www.omg.org <http://www.omg.org/>) is the premier standards 
> organization for modeling, middleware and architecture. OMG standards 
> include UML, BPMN, UPDM (UML Profile for DoDAF), SoaML, SysML, 
> Ontology Definition Metamodel, Model Driven Architecture (MDA), 
> Records Management, Corba and may others. All of these modeling 
> standards are based on the “Meta Object Facility” (MOF) which uses the 
> XMI interchange format for model interoperability.
> The RFP issued last week will result in a standard for representing 
> all MOF based models and modeling languages using RDF and Linked Open 
> Data. This has multiple advantages: All OMG-MOF based models (UML, 
> BPMN, SOA, UPDM, Etc) will be able to be published as Linked Open Data 
> and thus take advantage of the LOD tools and community. This will 
> allow architectural information to be linked, queried with and 
> analyzed with other kinds of information on the web and will also 
> allow architectures to be linked and queried with architectures in 
> incompatible models. Architectures as data will become first-class 
> citizens in the global data cloud.
> The RFP asks for a “Structural mapping” which means that the model 
> vocabulary remains unchanged. For example, a UML model retains the UML 
> vocabulary. The structural mapping can then convert any kind of model 
> without information loss, but it does not translate between 
> vocabularies as is done in the UML class diagram to OWL mapping 
> defined in the Ontology Definition Metamodel. Other semantic mappings 
> and ontologies are expected in the future.
> More information on the details can be found in the RFP document here: 
> http://www.omg.org/cgi-bin/doc?ad/2009-12-09
> /The objective of the RFP is summarized as follows:/
> *Title: MOF to RDF Structural Mapping in support of Linked Open Data*
> RDF and Linked Open Data (LOD) have become important technologies for 
> exposing, managing, analyzing, linking and federating data and 
> metadata. This set of RDF based technologies, sometimes known as the 
> “Semantic Web” or “Web 3.0”, are emerging as the lingua franca of data 
> on the web. Major initiatives such as the President’s open government 
> initiative are moving to the use of RDF & Linked Open Data as the 
> foundation for publishing all government data and metadata in support 
> of transparency. OMG & MOF based models should be a part of the LOD 
> and Web 3.0 data cloud.
> The objective of this RFP is to define a structural mapping between 
> OMG-MOF models and RDF to provide for better integration of MDA and 
> LOD, to enable the ability to apply LOD capabilities to MOF compliant 
> models and to make the information available in MOF compliant models 
> available as LOD web resources. Any MOF based model should be able to 
> become a LOD resource.
> The model/LOD connection is also very good news for the *Open 
> Government Initiative* which calls for government to be more open, 
> visible, collaborative and participatory. Government architectures are 
> the primary source of structured information about government 
> processes, services, rules and data. As such the data contained in 
> these models, which will become visible as Linked Open Data, will 
> further the open government initiative.
> ModelDriven.org has done a preliminary open source implementation of 
> this mapping as part of the Enterprise Knowledge Base (EKB) project 
> (http://portal.modeldriven.org/project/EKB). Those interested in 
> participating in the standards and/or open source efforts are welcome 
> to contact us for more information on how to engage. Cory Casanave, 
> who championed the RFP, may be contacted at: (cory-c at modeldriven 
> dot com).
> Please forward this notice to other interested parties in the ontology 
> and modeling communities.
Great news!!    (01)

Any chance of a URL to an HTML or XHTML doc? Word, PDF, and Open Office 
as only options just doesn't play well, especially if the theme is about 
Web of Linked Data etc. :-)    (02)

--     (03)

Regards,    (04)

Kingsley Idehen       Weblog: http://www.openlinksw.com/blog/~kidehen
President & CEO 
OpenLink Software     Web: http://www.openlinksw.com    (05)

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