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Re: [ontolog-forum] .social networks semantics

To: "[ontolog-forum]" <ontolog-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
From: Pavithra <pavithra_kenjige@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 9 Oct 2009 06:57:04 -0700 (PDT)
Message-id: <538417.2497.qm@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
I have used second life environment to attend seminars and jobfairs and open houses & community fairs!  It is very affective... next best thing to attend in person, a real time simulated virtual environment with avatars !
( hindu and greek mythology in action..) !  One can also  recorded information, make it available at a later time.
Harvad developed Facebook! I have been using Facebook for more than a year to connect with friends and family around the world in  real time manner.  Also to follow some important people and attend their seminars like Obama! One can email,  chat, post information, links,  pictures and audio /vedios  and live seminars in this environement! 
I found security a big problem.  Many people who one may not know may trace you and know all about your network and information that you  share! There is some level of security, but not that strong.  One has to be careful! 
I use twitter to receive news and  real time feeds from interesting people and post funny tweets !
Information in twitter can be searched and traced based on the words and specific information and  feed to other databases,If you choose a public environment.   There is privacy option available.  One can aslo share picture & links, twitter provides a new short link to the links you provide.  But the tweets have to be less than 140 charectors!  It does serve the purpose of what it says answer to  " what are you doing" question!  
But very helpful to provide realtime short iformation or links to large group of people!
Among all the other tools, I found these two most used and useful!
All these tools adds to the concept of web 2.0/3.0, semantic web !  Makes real time learning, information sharing very easy and user friendly!
But I am not sure how many of them use OWL and RDF and other semantic web languages to implement!  I have to research on that.   I know google has not used it in the past, and recently been looking into it.

--- On Fri, 10/9/09, Doug McDavid <dougmcdavid@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

From: Doug McDavid <dougmcdavid@xxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [ontolog-forum] .social networks semantics
To: "[ontolog-forum]" <ontolog-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Friday, October 9, 2009, 8:38 AM

Mike, that is a good question, and actually motivated me to look for shelter, in case my avatar remained visible in a dormant state.  In Second Life, actually, the avatar disappears when you log off.  It wouldn't have to be that way -- a design choice.

I understand about the disinterested part.  I was completely non-interested until my job caused me to investigate the virtual world for collaboration.  Since then I have attended innumerable meetings and conferences in virtual worlds (not all of them Second Life), as well as created new working relationships where the virtual world is the main avenue of communication.  Without a meaningful reason to use the technology it has limited benefits, but if there's something useful to do, it can be quite compelling.

On Fri, Oct 9, 2009 at 4:12 AM, Mike Bennett <mbennett@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I think I'm still lying in a field somewhere in Second Life. Do they
have people who come round and tidy away the bodies of the disinterested?


Doug McDavid wrote:
> And just wait til you add virtual worlds (like Second Life) to the
> mix.  This goes from social to hyper-social!
> On Fri, Oct 9, 2009 at 3:26 AM, Paola Di Maio <paola.dimaio@xxxxxxxxx
> <mailto:paola.dimaio@xxxxxxxxx>> wrote:
>     . It is
>         interesting to notice how the semantics of FB features differs
>         from the
>         intended semantics, as people use it in more and different ways.
>     Interesting point Mike. I have avoided fb and twitter for a while,
>     until one day some marginal utility came about on one occasion, then
>     all these people came up that I had met one time or other, and
>     ended up signing up to all of them (still havent signed up to
>     tripit but guess will do sometimes)
>     I use them to keep in touch with everyone with minumal effort, and
>     today I feel that they are a great life support, especially
>     considering that we dont have the resources to
>     nurture every single personal relationship we would like to. I
>     have reconneccted with old acquaintances, and made new ones, very
>     important: I exchange very valuable knowledge on the fly, with
>     minimal commitment
>     (I dont distinguish between personal and professional sphere that
>     much anymore, I don mind my work contact seeing my holiday snaps,
>     but some still do)
>     Your mention about the semantics is really interesting.
>     One day i was thinking loud on my twitter about  'its okay to be
>     dysfunctional sometimes' and within hours I was followed by some
>     improbable connections, whose
>     only semantic relation to my profile was that we both had the word
>     dysfunctional' somewhere in our respective web resources . that
>     was really fun thing to watch
>     I later received an invitation to the 'mental health festival in
>     my neighborhood, but not sure if that mention or something else I
>     said was the connection.
>     it happens all the time, that I use a word in a tweet (echoed in
>     my fb) and multiple connections appear that associate that word in
>     a different context, and of course
>     I do get some of spammers who target my social networks profile
>     mainly to promote their stuff, rather than to cultivate a social
>     relation of sort
>     It is also  distracting to have all these inputs, so that
>     periodically I have to switch everything off and try to concenrate
>     on the one thing I am trying to do
>      but not more distracting than having 100 television channels,
>     with the difference that these social media are highly interactive
>     - its not just some broadcaster shoving stuff down my channel, its
>     total interaction all around, exchanging clips, links, music,
>     news, etc
>     It adds enourmously to the infoglut, but overall for me the
>     balance is positive, I gain massive insights from a digital
>     ecosystem point of view
>     I signed up to the fb, wheres the linkedin?
>     cheers
>     PDM
>         Mike
>         Peter Yim wrote:
>         > Thank you, Doug. Point well taken.
>         >
>         > Charley and I were discussing this too, and he specifically
>         intended
>         > for this (Facebook presence) to be more of a "funnel" to
>         provide us
>         > exposure, rather than another "workspace" or "work
>         environment" that
>         > we want to delve into. I think he has a point. If exposure
>         is our
>         > principal purpose, we could (should?) even try doing on more
>         just just
>         > Facebook.
>         >
>         > I should also take the opportunity to recognize the fact
>         that back in
>         > April 2007, Ed Dodds did point out to me (offline) that
>         there were
>         > already over 150 Ontolog members on LinkedIn (I have to
>         admire his
>         > data-mining skills!) and suggested we take advantage of the
>         "Linkedin
>         > for Groups" feature that creates some sort of affinity group
>         among
>         > members of this community. ... Regretfully, I did not take
>         him on
>         > then, nor put it up for discussion.
>         >
>         > ... I guess, this is as good a time as any.
>         >
>         > Thought, comments, ... anyone?
>         >
>         > Best regards.  =ppy
>         > --
>         >
>         >
>         > On Thu, Oct 8, 2009 at 7:03 AM, Doug McDavid
>         <dougmcdavid@xxxxxxxxx <mailto:dougmcdavid@xxxxxxxxx>> wrote:
>         >
>         >> I made the point to Peter that LinkedIn might be a more
>         professional place to host this
>         >> than Facebook.  This is from a perspective of enthusiasm
>         for setting up this kind of
>         >> network, and to derive maximum benefit from the good
>         efforts going on.
>         >>
>         >> Best regards,
>         >>
>         >> Doug McDavid
>         >> --
>         >>
>         >> Doug McDavid
>         >> dougmcdavid@xxxxxxxxx <mailto:dougmcdavid@xxxxxxxxx>
>         >> 916-549-4600
>         >>
>         >
>         >
>         >
>         >> On Wed, Oct 7, 2009 at 4:56 PM, White, Charles P (172G)
>         <charles.p.white@xxxxxxxxxxxx
>         <mailto:charles.p.white@xxxxxxxxxxxx>> wrote:
>         >>
>         >>>
>         >>>
>         >>>
>         >>> Do you have a Facebook account? If not, that’s ok, but
>         there are many millions of
>         >>> people joining Facebook from around the world. Peter and I
>         would like to announce
>         >>> the official Ontolog-Facebook Group (Ontolog-FB). The
>         purpose of this group is
>         >>> simply to make first contact with people searching for
>         Ontology or Semantic web
>         >>> keywords in Facebook.  Although there is a discussion
>         board capability in the
>         >>> group, the main venue for discussion shall continue to be
>         [ontolog-forum] and
>         >>> other project mailing lists and our other community forums
>         >>>
>         >>> If you have a facebook account, please feel free to join
>         the Ontolog group.
>         >>>
>         >>> Link:
>          http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=184463208664&ref=mf
>         <http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=184463208664&ref=mf>
>         >>>
>         >>> My Account: http://www.facebook.com/Jet.Burns?ref=name
>         >>>
>         >>> By the way: The photograph is from my vacation to Alaska's
>         Hubbard Glacier,
>         >>> and I chose this photo because of the relationships I see
>         in the ice, color,
>         >>> movement, rock, sky and sea. Not only that, but I own the
>         image so that
>         >>> takes care of the legal stuff. :)
>         >>>
>         >>>
>         >>>
>         >>> V/r Charles
>         >>>
>         >>>
>         >>>
>         >>> Charles P. White, Enterprise Systems Analyst
>         >>> Virtual Worlds for Engineering and Science
>         >>> Office of the Chief Information Officer Group 172G
>         >>>
>         >>> JPL Knowledge Management Team
>         >>> NASA Synthetic Environments Research Team (NISER)
>         >>> JPL KM Assignment: U.S. Air Force Space Missile Command
>         (SMC/PI)
>         >>> JPL KM Assignment: U.S. Navy Mine Warfare Data Model
>         Working Group
>         >>> JPL KM Assignment: NASA Emergency Services
>         >>>
>         >>> Second Life: Jet Burns
>         >>> Twitter: Jet_Burns
>         >>> Facebook: Jet Burns
>         >>> Email: Charles.P.White@xxxxxxxx
>         <mailto:Charles.P.White@xxxxxxxx>
>         >>>
>         >>> NASA/Jet Propulsion Laboratory
>         >>> California Institute of Technology
>         >>> 4800 Oak Grove Drive
>         >>> Building 600-162a
>         >>> Pasadena, California 91109
>         >>>
>         >>> Cell: (818) 653-5692
>         >>> Office: (818) 453-2743
>         >>>
>         >
>         >
>         _________________________________________________________________
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>         --
>         Mike Bennett
>         Director
>         Hypercube Ltd.
>         89 Worship Street
>         London EC2A 2BF
>         Tel: +44 (0) 20 7917 9522
>         Mob: +44 (0) 7721 420 730
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>     --
>     Paola Di Maio
>     **************************************************
>     Networked Research Lab, UK
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> --
> Doug McDavid
> dougmcdavid@xxxxxxxxx <mailto:dougmcdavid@xxxxxxxxx>
> 916-549-4600
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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Mike Bennett
Hypercube Ltd.
89 Worship Street
London EC2A 2BF
Tel: +44 (0) 20 7917 9522
Mob: +44 (0) 7721 420 730
Registered in England and Wales No. 2461068

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Doug McDavid

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