Hailing all Ontologians! (01)
I hope you'll have an interest in reading the piece I recently wrote
called "RDFS Idoms for the Working Semiotician." (02)
http://phaneron.rickmurphy.org/?p=35 (03)
The piece is a worked example that uses a few patterns from Allemang and
Hendler's Semantic Web for the Working Ontologist (SWWO)[1]. Like SWWO,
the example uses the RDFS reasoner to infer the *meaning* of the
assertions. Unlike SWWO, the example demonstrates RDFS reasoning in the
semiotic domain. (04)
I claim that introducing the semiotic domain is a requirement for a
theory of meaning. This requirement extends a semantics of truth ( based
on Tarski's material adequacy and formal correctness ) to a semantics
of meaning. (05)
In the worked example, the meaning of a Sign is inferred when Icon, an
instance, is inferred to be a member of the class Conception. Both Sign
as representation and Conception as interpretant are required to
establish meaning. (06)
If my claim is true, more idioms should be developed for RDFS as well as
other languages. (07)
[1] http://workingontologist.org/ (08)
Rick (09)
cell: 703-201-9129
web: http://www.rickmurphy.org
blog: http://phaneron.rickmurphy.org (010)
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