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Re: [ontolog-forum] Reminder: Call for Papers Deadline - International C

To: "[ontolog-forum]" <ontolog-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
From: Doug McDavid <dougmcdavid@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 9 Jul 2009 03:32:23 -0700
Message-id: <adc610520907090332w3d4400a8we720d7ae23bd04db@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Hi Matthew --

We communicated last year around this time.  I am out of IBM, and in full entrepreneurial mode.  I am interested in doing a paper for your conference, but not sure I can give it proper thought before Friday.  I have a funding that meeting that day, and am pretty swamped with prep for that.  By all means, don't move your deadline just for me, because I have no guarantees, except that I guarantee I'm interested.



On Wed, Jul 8, 2009 at 6:02 AM, Matthew K. Hettinger <mkhettinger@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I meant to send this reminder last week but evidently did not press the send button  - sincerest apologies.

As a reminder, The International Conference on Enterprises *as* Systems: Theory and Theory in Action (  http://www.enterprisesystemtheory.net/estconference/estconference.html ) is taking place August 24th-25th. The deadline for abstracts and draft papers is July 10th (Friday). If you, or anyone you know, wishes to submit a paper and find that it may be difficult to meet the deadline please let me know. We may be able to extend it.

Also, we are investigating the possibility of "broadcasting" over the Web with a Web conferencing application. Please let me know if you might be interested in attending (as a speaker and /or general participant) over the Web if you have not already decided to be there in person. There will be a limited number of seats available.

Again the topics of ontology (and ontology systems), semantics (and semantic systems), standards, and modeling (and modeling systems) are of special interest along with, of course, the systems family of disciplines and the concepts, principles and theories surrounding enterprises *as* systems (a "big picture").

If there are questions please drop a line and I will reply privately.

Matt Hettinger

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