I agree that Ontology that ties and relates different standards semantically is upper and most desirable so as to not allow proliferation of closely overlapping uncoordinated standards as we are seeing today among many SDOs.
However, are you excluding an ontology - down somewhere in details that tries to harmonize interoperability among related standards just as we do in the OMG ODM by translating OWL, UML, CL, etc?
-- Thanks.
Ravi (Dr. Ravi Sharma) 313 204 1740 Mobile
On Tue, Jul 7, 2009 at 11:43 AM, Ed Barkmeyer <edbark@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
A couple of months back, we asked this community about the value of ontologies in standards (and ended up trying to make a standard ontology
for a commonly referenced standard).
If the attached is any indication, our concern is well beyond the cutting edge. This seems to be a group that is about 10 years behind the curve...
Edward J. Barkmeyer Email: edbark@xxxxxxxx National Institute of Standards & Technology Manufacturing Systems Integration Division 100 Bureau Drive, Stop 8263 Tel: +1 301-975-3528
Gaithersburg, MD 20899-8263 FAX: +1 301-975-4694
"The opinions expressed above do not reflect consensus of NIST, and have not been reviewed by any Government authority."
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: WG: ISO/TC 184/SC 5 - CALL FOR PARTICIPATION IN OPM STUDY GROUP Date: Thu, 2 Jul 2009 11:33:37 +0200 From: uwe.kaufmann@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <uwe.kaufmann@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: bmi@xxxxxxx <bmi@xxxxxxx>, syseng@xxxxxxx <syseng@xxxxxxx>, mantis@xxxxxxx <mantis@xxxxxxx>, ad@xxxxxxx <ad@xxxxxxx>
CC: liaison@xxxxxxx <liaison@xxxxxxx>
Good Morning,
ISO/TC 184/SC 5, "Architecture, communications and integration frameworks", seeks for expert contribution to their newly established
"Study Group for Object-Process Methodology (OPM)".
The Objective of this group is to "explore the usefulness of the Object Process Methodology for creating, designing, analyzing, and simulating
models of SC 5 standards to improve the development, communication and understanding of these standards".
One of the tasks of this group is to "Examine advantages and disadvantages of current possible conceptual modeling language
candidates that potentially meet the requirements, including (but not necessarily limited to) SysML, PSL (ISO 18629), BPMN, and OPM."
Assuming that relevant OMG members may have valuable contributions I
encourage individuals to contact the conveners of the study group as described below.
Please notice that I can't give any more insight to the subject than is contained in the referenced documents.
With kind regards,
Uwe Kaufmann
---------------------------------------------------------- Uwe Kaufmann ModelAlchemy Tel. : +49-30-39006-270 www.modelalchemy.com
Mob. : +49-170-5530751 Fax. : +49-30-3930246 MailTo: Uwe.Kaufmann@< domain name of company > OMG Co-chair of ManTIS DTF http://www.omg.org/mantis
> -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht----- > Von: "Winchester, Greg" <Gre_Winchester@xxxxxxxx>
> Gesendet: 01.07.09 02:09:30 > An: "Barta, Gabriel" <gb@xxxxxx>, "Bever, Ken" <kbever@xxxxxxxxxx>, "Blaeser, Susan" <sblaeser@xxxxxxx>, "Brandl, Dennis" <dnbrandl@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>, "Carnahan, Dan" <dlcarnahan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, "Choong, Christina" <stn@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>, "Committee Service Centre, The" <csc@xxxxxxxxxxxx>, "Degardin, Martine" <martine.degardin@xxxxxxxxx>, "dela Hostria, Emmanuel" <egdelahostria@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, "Demassieux, Valerie" <vdemassieux@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, "Dumortier, Bernard" <bernard.dumortier@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, "Ferreira, Goncalo" <gnferreira@xxxxxxxxxxx>, "Friedenthal, Sanford" <sanford.friedenthal@xxxxxxxx>, "Fukuda, Yoshiro" <fukuda@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>, "Glantschnig, Friedrich" <fredglant@xxxxxxxxxx>, "Gomulka, Adam" <adam.gomulka@xxxxxx>, "Groepper, Meinolf" <meinolf.groepper@xxxxxxxx>, "Guzman Contro, Hector" <iso-mex@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, "Harima, Taro" <harima.taro@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, "Henninot, Jean-Pierre" <jean-pierre.henninot@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, "Hoover, Charles" <cbh
oover@xxxxxxxxxxx > Betreff: ISO/TC 184/SC 5 - CALL FOR PARTICIPATION IN OPM STUDY GROUP
> METHODOLOGY (OPM) > > *** PLEASE RESPOND BY 2009-07-31 *** > > At the 2009-04 SC 5 plenary meeting inParis, France, Resolution 611 > was passed to establish a Study Group tasked with exploring how the
> Object-Process Methodology (OPM) could be useful in creating, > designing, analyzing and simulating models of SC 5 standards to > improve the development, communication and understanding of these > standards.
> > The following are the ?Terms of Reference? for this Study > Group, which will be co-convened by Dov Dori (dori@xxxxxxx) and > Richard Martin (richardm@xxxxxxxxxxxx):
> > http://forums.nema.org:443/upload/N1049_OPM_Study_Group_Terms_of_Reference.doc > > A number of interested Study Group experts have already been
> identified and more are desired. All those in the SC 5 community are > strongly encouraged to consider this opportunity and assign an expert > to this Study Group. Experts are asked to contact the co-convenors
> above by 2009-07-31, with a copy to the SC 5 secretariat (gre_winchester@xxxxxxxx), > to ensure being added to the Study Group > membership roster. >
> More information on the OPM technology can be found in the following > Powerpoint presentation given by Prof. Dori at the SC 5 Paris plenary > meeting: > > http://forums.nema.org:443/upload/N1049_Dori_OPM_Presentation_to_SC5_2009-04.ppt
> > Thank you for your consideration of this call for experts. > > Greg Winchester > > Secretary, ISO/TC 184/SC 5 > > NEMA companies are the energy solution leaders for Smart Grid and
> Energy Storage technologies. Learn more at: http://www.nema.org/gov/energy/smartgrid/ > >
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