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Re: [ontolog-forum] Guo's word senses and Foundational Ontologies

To: "[ontolog-forum] " <ontolog-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
From: "Azamat" <abdoul@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 30 May 2009 14:19:33 +0300
Message-id: <002001c9e118$829d6e70$a104810a@homepc>
JB: "I also wonder about the work being done at Renaissance Technology with 
the use of the Chern-Simons algorithms used to extract patterns
 from stream data. although I don't understand it, it seems to work and 
Renaissance made $2.5B last year running a hedge fund with this approach. 
Would it have a use in developing ontologies from graph weight data? 
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chern-Simons_theory";    (01)

John,    (02)

That's really interesting. An academic geometer, James Simon, first had 
coauthored a geometrical theory to be used for a quantum gravity string 
theory, then left the academia to establish a hedge fund, Renaissance 
Technologies Corporation, managing now up to $ 20 b, being 80 years old, and 
recently titled as "the smartest billionaire." Statistics is still ruling 
the world.    (03)

Re. the issue; there is an emerging meta-disciplinary field dubbed 
Econophysics, applying physical concepts, theories and methods to solve 
problems in economics, statistical physics extended to statistical finance, 
or quantum physics to quantum economics, 
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quantum_economy. The theory mentioned fall 
under a spatial topological QFT to identify invariants (topological 
properties as cardinality, connectedness, compactness, separation, metrics). 
In its substance, the algorithm is about correlations (correlativity, 
correlation statistics, correlation statistics and correlators), ie, the 
strength and direction of a relationship among two and more things (or two 
or more variables or two and more random variables). In Quantum Field theory 
the concept of correlation functions received the maximal generalization, a 
possible reason of its application for searching invariant features and 
invariable patterns in financial stream data.    (04)

Used to describe stochastic processes, the correlation functions are widely 
used to describe interrelationships among things (events, points). Thus it 
comes under the Relation Ontology (RO) and all its possible relation 
management applications. Given there are broadly two types of correlations, 
acausal correlations and causal correlations, the RO assumes that all true 
correlations imply causation. So if statistics defines quantitative 
relationships (correlation coefficients) among random variables like as 
gross national product, education, wealth, poverty, criminality, corruption, 
etc), the RO is concerned with causal co-relationships among entities 
(changes, processes, actions, activities, events, and occurrences) formally 
represented as the class variables.    (05)

Not Statistics but Ontology should rule the world.    (06)

Azamat Abdoullaev
 iboss@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx    (07)

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "John Bottoms" <john@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: "[ontolog-forum]" <ontolog-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Saturday, May 30, 2009 12:03 AM
Subject: Re: [ontolog-forum] Guo's word senses and Foundational Ontologies    (08)

> There was also C.K.Ogden's Basic English, published in 1933
> that was composed of 850 words. There was also a version that
> included an additional 100 words. His system also permitted the
> use of technical vocabularies per domain. The Bible has been
> translated to Basic English.
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Basic_English
> Which raises an interesting point about how Ogden arrived at his
> list of words. He argued that the list must be usable for everyday
> work and life. Essentially, he was referring to the quantization
> problem. You won't necessarily get the word "birthday" if you only
> look at what people are doing for a few days. Is there a role for
> cluster analysis or quantization in the development of ontologies?
> I also wonder about the work being done at Renaissance Technology
> with the use of the Chern-Simons algorithms used to extract patterns
> from stream data. although I don't understand it, it seems to work
> and Renaissance made $2.5B last year running a hedge fund with this
> approach. Would it have a use in developing ontologies from
> graph weight data?
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chern-Simons_theory
> Have a great weekend all. Put some more shrimps on the barbie!!
> -John Bottoms
>  First Star
>  Concord, MA
>  T: 978-505-9878
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