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Re: [ontolog-forum] Is there something I missed?

To: "[ontolog-forum] " <ontolog-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
From: "Azamat" <abdoul@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 29 Jan 2009 13:55:51 +0200
Message-id: <00ff01c98208$8a1d8730$a104810a@homepc>
On Thursday, January 29, 2009 1:15 AM, Sean aked:
"is there a formal definition of an ontology?"    (01)

Good question.  It seems there are as many definitions as many schools, 
researchers and developers.
But the right one is that involving the original nature and meaning of 
ontology as:
"Formal Ontology is the formal study of Reality". The issue of issues is how 
Reality is related with the whole world (the totality of entities and 
relations), particular worlds, or possible worlds; and how it could be truly 
and consistently represented and effectively reasoned [by humans and 
machines].    (02)

Azamat Abdoullaev
http://www.eis.com.cy    (03)

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Sean Barker" <sean.barker@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: <ontolog-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Thursday, January 29, 2009 1:15 AM
Subject: [ontolog-forum] Is there something I missed?    (04)

> Folks
> Having followed this forum for some time, I have a feeling that I may have
> missed something so obvious that no-one has thought to mention it - that 
> is,
> is there a formal definition of an ontology? An ontology cannot be just be 
> a
> bowl of axiom soup, so how does one tell that a particular collection of
> axioms is an ontology - the question is posed on the analogy that
> mathematicians differentiate between a group, a ring and a field by the
> axioms they include. My naive guess for this would be based on set theory,
> and look something like:
> 1) A set S can be defined as S = {x s.t. x satisfies some combination of
> predicates};
> 2) Given a set of predicicates P = {p1, p2,...,pn} and a set of logical
> operaters L = {l1, l2,...,ln} (perhaps just AND, OR and NOT), then denote
> Spl as a set defined from some combination of predicates in P and 
> operators
> in L, and Spl* is the set of all possible sets Spl (perhaps regularised to
> remove contraditions);
> 3) An ontology is constructed by taking a collection of sets from Spl* and
> identifying a partial ordering of those sets using the usual subset
> relationship.
> This would split the study of ontology into three area:
> 1) the formal problem of ontology as being concerned with the types of
> mappings (homomorphisms, homeomorphisms, etc) between different ontologies
> based on the choices from some Spl*
> 2)the practical problem as finding an ontology that supports the decision
> procedures in a particular process (I include classifying something as a
> decision procedure).
> 3) the computational problem of defining of terminating and efficient
> procedures for comparing ontologies and mapping between them.
> (Thanks to Pat Hayes for this suggestion - even his more acerbic comments
> can be quite enlightening.)
> I would then expect there to have been a number of competing definitions,
> and any number of arguements discussing the relative merits of these
> definitions. And possibly some argument demostrating that this whole
> approach is flawed.
> My question is, where are these definitions and the ensuing arguments? and
> is there a good summary of these?
> Sean Barker
> Bristol, UK
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