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Re: [ontolog-forum] Curation view of Ontologies

To: "[ontolog-forum]" <ontolog-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
From: paola.dimaio@xxxxxxxxx
Date: Mon, 23 Jun 2008 02:41:58 -0400
Message-id: <c09b00eb0806222341q4c9ce90cl21b52e3793979f0@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Any papers we can learn your method from?

On Mon, Jun 23, 2008 at 1:19 AM, Biswanath Dutta <bisu@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Dear All,
      What Prof. John has recommended, I do agree.
I think before I say anything, I should introduce myself (because this is
the first time I am writing to this forum). I am a Senior Research Fellow
of DRTC, ISI (Documentation Research and Training Centre, Indian
Statistical Institute), Bangalore, India which was established by Prof. S.
R. Ranganathan (the Father of Library Science in India).

We are now actively working on Ontology and faceted classification area.
As a part of our research work we have developed ontology(s) based upon
Prof. Ranganathan's Principles and system. Among them one is,
Institutional Ontology which is capable of giving us quite satisfactory
results. But still it is not the right time to claim that we have reached
to the end product. We are working. Hope we will be able to come out with
a good result.

With regards,
Biswanath Dutta
Documentation Research and Training Centre (DRTC)
Indian Statistical Institute
8th Mile Mysore Road
R. V. College Post
Bangalore- 560059

> Pat and Ken,
> Ranganathan's system is not an ontology, since it does not
> contain any axioms.  But it is a very detailed, flexible,
> and extensible classification system.
> PC> Do you think that a topic classification system suitable
>  > for libraries can actually serve to encode information in
>  > a form suitable for automated reasoning?
> Any ontology must include a classification system as a subset.
> If an ontology is going to be usable for the full range of
> topics that are covered by the WWW, it must include a system
> of classification as broad as Ragnanathan's.
> PC> Do you have any examples of how such a classification has
>  > been used with an automated reasoner?
> Look at Cyc.  It has a very broad classification system that
> supports multiple inheritance.  Any ontology that is intended
> to support interoperability among any range of systems that
> access and use the WWW, must be as extensible as Cyc and/or
> Ranganathan's system.  (I'm not recommending either one
> exactly as is, but I do suggest that we study both.)
> KL> My thought has always been I build the ontologies to relate
>  > the various classification facets (or the values applied to
>  > the facets) without having to assume a governing set of facets
>  > and values for all uses.
> There is no reason why you should define more than you need for
> your application.  But if two or more groups want to make their
> systems work together, it must be possible to embed all of them
> within a broader system that can accommodate all the categories
> of each.  Therefore, it's desirable to have a broader framework
> in mind, even for a small, narrowly defined project.
> An important reason for studying a system such as Ranganathan's
> is that he had spent many years trying to work out categories
> that can accommodate all the books in all the libraries of India.
> So he has a system of categories that spans an enormous range,
> which probably includes a large part of what is being covered
> by the WWW.
> I don't recommend that we adopt R's system exactly as is.  But
> we should consider it or something like it as an example of how
> to accommodate multiple systems interoperating across the WWW.
> John
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Paola Di Maio
School of IT

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