On Jan 21, 2008, at 12:23 PM, Pat Hayes wrote:
> At 8:58 AM -0800 1/21/08, Duane Nickull wrote:
>> What about a site like http://www.audi.com ?
>> IT automatically redirects to another site based on geographical
>> location. I am in Canada but get the US audi site. In Germany,
>> one would encounter the german site.
>> It is a better example?
> Its an example of why the W3C TAG insist on referring to 'web
> resources' or 'information resources' rather than anything as
> concrete as a Web page. They want to be able to say, in cases
> like this, that there is a single "thing" at the end of that one
> URI, which is able to respond in
> a variety of languages, and its that "thing" that is denoted by
> the URI. There are a number of
> cases like this, sometimes resolved by Mime type, eg if your
> browser is set to read aloud rather
> than display visually, it might get sent different HTML than a
> conventional browser is sent. BUt it would be the same 'web
> resource', just webarch:represented differently.
> Pat (01)
Yes, but how far can this go? There is a difference between two
language variants of a page (already suspect as being one thing, if
you ask a linguist) and two different sites catering to different
cultures. I've seen cases like this where the news feeds are
different, for example - in Germany, say, you get local German news,
and in the US, you get US news. What is the one "Thing" here? (02)
-Alan (03)
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