>> It is always hard to imagine the future. For some extant (in fact,
>> now quite old) work on this general topic, see discussions of the
>> "BDI" (Belief, Desire and Intention) formalisms which were developed
>> to formalize exactly "motivation and purpose" and have been used in
>> deployed AI systems which perform rational planning. A quick Google
>> check will reveal hundreds of reports and some book-length surveys.
>sure I've heard of BDI in the domain of computer science, but how to fit BDI
>in a proof-scenario in 'pure' mathematics, even though there is nothing
>supreme in pure mathematics compared to computable things. Imagine you have
>the axioms, the rules of inference, the theorem to be proved, and also the
>proof. Now, it would be absolutely great to be able to understand the steps
>of the proof, the intention of the mathematician, the reason why this and
>that step was taken at this and that point. It is hard to see just how BDI
>is used here, to make the inference clear and easily understandable. (01)
I see no reason why BDI should not apply to mathematical activity as
well as to any other human endeavor. But from the above, it sounds as
though you are asking for something that can re-create the mental
activity of the mathematician just from the published proof, and this
is probably impossible no matter what formalization one uses, as the
other quotes assembled by John say quite clearly. (02)
Pat (03)
>Avril (04)
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