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[ontolog-forum] FINAL REMINDER: 4th SOA for E-Government Conference, Oct

To: ontolog-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
From: Niemann.Brand@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Date: Sat, 22 Sep 2007 08:58:05 -0400
Message-id: <OFFEA8719A.C4C0AB46-ON8525735E.00473C88-8525735E.00473C98@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

Please join the SOA Community of Practice at their free 4th SOA for E-Government Conference by registering at http://www.mitre.org/register/soa/, for both in-person and remote participation, featuring the following:


Opening Keynote: Judith Hurwitz, Principal Author of SOA for Dummies (with book give aways)


Four Demonstrations: IONA Federal Jump Start Kit, ModelDriven for GSA, CGI Federal with XBRL, and SAIC Semantic SOA


SOA Roadmap Best Practices Panel: Led by David Linthicm, Leading SOA Thought Leader now with ZapThink


Networking Session: Two hours of more than 30 demos and exhibits during lunch (on your own in the MITRE Cafeteria)


What's New: Professor Stefan Decker, Professor and Director of the Digital Enterprise Research Institute at the National University of Ireland in Galway (the largest organization worldwide to research the Semantic Web), and others


Closing Keynote: Again David Linthicm, Leading SOA Thought Leader now with ZapThink


The 2nd day is three concurrent activities: Four - 90 minutes tracks, Two 3-hour tutorials, and Four - 90 minute breakout sessions.

See print agenda for details at http://colab.cim3.net/file/work/SOACoP/2007-10-0102/SOAEGOV10012007.doc


Greg Lomow and Brand Niemann

SOA CoP Co-chairs

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