o~~~~~~~~~o~~~~~~~~~o~~~~~~~~~o~~~~~~~~~o~~~~~~~~~o~~~~~~~~~o (01)
Story Henry wrote:
> Calling in a Redundancy theory of truth is very misleading. (02)
Yes, I agree. (03)
I didn't pick the name, and don't over all buy this line.
I merely tried to give a moderately close reading of the
main points in Ramsey's argument. (04)
> There is a big difference between "Snow is white" and the
> fact of snow being white. It just looks redundant because
> we are expressing both in language. But it is already very
> different when you look at the same sentence in French
> "La neige est blanche" is true in French iff Snow is white.
> That is saying the same thing, but is not at all redundant.
> This goes further, there is a big difference between
> a sentence quoted and one believed. So I might say:
> Joe believes "Jim kissed Jane" .
> Or in N:
> ---8<--------
> @prefix x: <http://www.gnowsis.org/ont/kissology#> .
> :joe cog:believes { :Jim x:kissed :Jane } .
> ---8<--------
> And believing it
> ---8<--------
> :Jim x:kissed :Jane .
> ---8<--------
> Perhaps the second one was reached because
> I believe a stupid rule such as:
> ---8<--------
> { :joe cog:believes { ?a ?r ?b . } } => { ?a ?r ?b . }
> ---8<--------
> ie I believe whatever I believe joe to believe.
> The second might trigger some serious actions, and many films
> have been made about the predisposition of jealous people to
> jump too quickly from the belief statement to the later one,
> and the situations this leads them to.
> This is because belief and action and so emotions are closely related.
> Anyway, this is far from being redundant.
> Henry (05)
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o~~~~~~~~~o~~~~~~~~~o~~~~~~~~~o~~~~~~~~~o~~~~~~~~~o~~~~~~~~~o (06)
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