>Catching up on this thread, and several sub-threads:
>a) The point about a three-d object in a 2-D world was not about
>embedding things in contexts, but about a technical problem of when a
>proposition becomes a non-proposition because some term in it ceases to
>have meaning. (01)
I understand, but that was my point. Contexts are
often justified by the claims like this, that
terms may cease to have a meaning. (BTW, that
word 'cease' implies a change of something, so we
might as well call whatever it is that you think
is changing, a "context".) And my response is
that if we do things right, then this never
happens. That is, there is no change in the
logic, and terms never cease to have meaning. (02)
>This is significant in formal specification for software,
>where one has to deal with side effects of illegal values sent to
>procedures. (03)
Of course but (1) that is quite a different topic
from ontology design, and (2) the logical analogy
is not terms "ceasing" to have meaning, but terms
having no meaning because they are ill-typed. The
logical approach to this is to use a typed logic,
so that the meaningless terms are ill-formed. (04)
> In "Systematic Software Development in VDM" (VDM = Vienna
>Development Method), Cliff Jones uses the Logic Of Partial Functions
>(LPF) a three valued, monotonic extension of classical logic, which,
>incidentally, seems to be a quantization of fuzzy logic. (05)
I doubt it. 3-valued logic and fuzzy logic are incommensurate. (06)
>are then designed to always to evaluate to True or False, even where
>some intermediate results evaluate to *. In Z, the problem is avoided by
>imposing/assuming an order of evaluation. (07)
Lord save us from having to do ontology specifications in Z. (08)
>b) From a natural language view, I might take "Pat is sleeping" to mean
>something like, "please don't make to much noise, or you might wake him
>up". (09)
That would be a mistake. It does not MEAN that.
What it means is clear: that I am asleep. Now,
that assertion in turn can be used to perform a
variety of speech acts, just as 'its cold in
here' or simply "I'm cold" can be used to perform
a request to close a window or to turn up the
thermostat. (010)
>Sentences in natural language have (ultimately) the function of
>influencing human behaviour, rather than modelling the world (011)
Sorry, but this really is nonsense. First,
accurate modelling (describing) the world is
closely linked to, and involved in, influencing
behavior. But in any case, language is used for
all kinds of purposes, and influencing human
behavior is only one of them. (012)
>, and only
>do the latter when specifically making such a claim. In data modelling,
>this relationship between language and behaviour is absolutely
>fundamental to effective data exchange - in this I support David Hays
>mutterings about the data modelling/management/database community. This
>thinking also lies behind the ontologies that are being used as part of
>number of fairly significant data exchange projects for various DoD's.
>c) I have not read Sister Miriam Joseph (013)
If you are interested in applying logic to natural language, you should. (014)
Pat (015)
>, but some years ago I did read
>though a fairly traditional text book of Porte Royal logic only to find
>that the entire book reduced to six simple statements in set theory.
>Sean Barker
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