Sure. (01)
Day 1 -
Day 2 -
Day 3 - (02)
The outline is below to help you find any specific parts. The course is 4
years old so it might have some parts that do not reflect recent ISO/IEC
11179 work but generally they are applicable. (03)
One topic not covered is the GoXML contextual XML Search engine which had a
patent pending with 51 unique points for semantic reconciliation. I might
be able to dig some info up on that. (04)
Day 1 (05)
9:00 9:30 Introduction, Agenda and statement of objectives:
- Introduce ourselves and state specific objectives from this course to
the instructor.
- Any concerns they have or specific questions may be addressed at this
- Course outline.
9:30 11:00 Part 1: An Introspective Analysis of Service Oriented
- A brief history of how Service Oriented Architectures evolved.
- ebXML, UN/CEFACTıs eBusiness Architecture and Web Services
Architectures as three reference models.
- Show how Registries are positioned within these architectures.
11:00 11:20 Break
11:20 12:30 Part 2: An Introspective Analysis of Service Oriented
- A continuation of the earlier session with more specific delving into
Registry Systems. Each SOA places different demands of the Registry facility
and those functional requirements are examined in details.
12:30 Q&A
12:40 13:40 lunch break
13:40 15:00 Registry Functionality and Architecture - Explore the major
facilities of a Registry/Repository System
- Show how a Registry functions.
- Examine relationship of registries to repositories
- Tightly bound vs. loosely coupled models
- Registry Interfaces for humans and applications.
- Registry architecture (server-client models, API, security)
15:00 15:20 Break
15:20 16:45 The Business Use case for Registry Adoption
Factors that make registry systems favored for adoption within
specific enterprise architectures.
- List of some registry use cases.
- Factors that drive their adoption.
- Specific registry adoption strategies and the benefits that may be
16:45 17:00 Q & A (06)
DAY 2 (07)
9:00 10:45 ebXML Registry a specific look at the ebXML Registry Model
- A specific look at ebXML Registry
- Identify the major specifications that constrain an ebXML Registry,
capabilities and deployment models.
- Discuss a few reference implementations.
- Overview of Registry Services Specification (RSS)
- Overview of Registry Information Model (RIM)
10:45- 11:05 Break
11:05 12:00 UDDI Registry
- A specific look at the UDDI Registry Specifications - Overview of
what a UDDI Registry does.- How UDDI differs from an ebXML Registry.
12:00 Q&A
12:10 13:00 Lunch Break
13:00 15:00 ISO 11179 model for metadata Registries - International
Standards Organizations (ISO) 11179 specification for metadata registries.
- The work of ISO and itsı relationship ebXML and UDDI. - Ontology
efforts are also explored to discuss how semantic discovery may be possible
using XML syntax and Registries. - Meta facilities management covered
include classification structures and schemes, associations and
relationships between different Registries. - Automatic semantic discovery
and dynamic configuration of system interfaces based on discovery of
registry artifacts.
15:00 16:45 Setting up a Registry System - Live demonstration of setting
up a Registry/repository environment.
- Configuration of Registry. - Granting privileges to the Registry
Authority (RA)- Creating the top-level classification scheme
- Adding the first artifacts to the Registry.
14:65 17:00 Q & A
Day 3
9:00 Recap of Day One and two any unanswered questions, comments etc.
9:15 10:45 Programmatic Registry clients - Examples of programmatic
access to the Registry.- Acquiring and configuring the libraries.
- Write a simple REST client that can perform simple registry tasks from
a line command. - Java based client will demonstrate many of the registry
features including sending proper credentials to access the Registry
10:45- 11:05 Break
11:05 12:45 Mastering the Registry environment - Continuation of the
morning session.- Registry Client Functionality- Training the attendees of
usage of registry facilities.
- Registry authorityıs roles and responsibilities, user accounts and
administration, preventing unauthorized access, protecting registry content,
locking content from use, administration of classification schemes
12:45 13:00 Q&A
13:00 14:00 Interactive Lunch break
14:00 15:15 Registry Federation, De-centralization and future work. Work
that is on-going within the applicable Registry standards bodies and
upcoming features for new registry work. A brief discussion about the
political landscape with software vendors and who is backing different
Registry initiatives.
15:15 15:35 - Break
15:35 16:45 Deployment strategies for IT workers W- Once a Registry system
has been decided on for deployment, work begins to make other departments
aware of the Registry and help them begin using it. Carefully planning the
Registry implementation by collecting requirements and calculating registry
usage will benefit all and ensure a successful implementation. The
pre-deployment planning and post deployment training will be highlited by
showing actual functionality
16:45 17:00 Final Q & A (08)
On 5/4/07 8:49 AM, "John F. Sowa" <sowa@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote: (09)
> Duane,
> An analysis and comparison of 11179, UDDI, and ebXML
> would be very useful:
>> ... if anyone wants to read up on the subject, I have
>> a 3 day course available for download on my personal site
>> at It delves into all three is *painful* detail
> But it would also be useful to have a pointer directly to
> the course instead of just the top-level web site.
> John
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